Mein lieber Herr Professor,
haben Sie die Vorschläge Russlands auch nur annähernd angeschaut?
Ist Ihnen klar, was in den letzten 30 Jahren sicherheitspolitisch aus russischer Sicht geschehen ist?
Sagt Ihnen Aegis-ashore etwas?
Hier mal was für Sie:
Why did we submit our proposals? We want to return to negotiated problem-solving. As President of Russia Vladimir Putin said, we were “fooled,” consistently deceived since the early 1990s. Now they are asking us what we will give them if we want to do something in our own interests. We have already given them everything. Hoping for some understanding in the West, we did not respond forcefully to the crudest violations of the agreements on NATO’s eastward non-expansion and many other promises, including those in writing. I am referring to the non-deployment of considerable military forces on the territory of new members on a permanent basis. But all this became “overgrown with moss” long ago. Threats and sanctions are so arrogant that every person can understand that. The US Congress has adopted such absurd decisions more than once. I don’t rule out anything. We will respond. During his recent telephone conversation with US President Joe Biden, President Vladimir Putin said that if they followed down this path, it would destroy our relations. We do not want to scare anyone. We will make decisions based on each specific situation that takes shape due to various moves by the US and its Western allies.
Dann kommen Sie vielleicht dazu, Ihre Aussage zu hinterfragen:
Die territoriale Integrität von Staaten wird von Russland infrage gestellt,
Ui - Was ist mit Jugoslawien? Mit Irak? Mit Yemen? Mit Afghanistan?