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Am 27. Februar 2014 besetzten Bewaffnete das Parlamentsgebäude auf der Krim.

Bereits lange vorher hat das Krimparlament überhaupt keinen Hehl daraus gemacht, dass die Krim eine Abspaltung anstrebte.

Bereits am 4. Februar stand auf der offiziellen Homepage der Krimregierung Alles über die Abspaltung von der Ukraine, die Absicht ein Referendum über den Anschluss an Russland durchzuführen, sowie die Absicht Russland um militärischen Schutz zu ersuchen. Darüber berichteten unter Anderem auch Alle Ukrainischen Medien.

Pressemitteilung von der Homepage der Krimregierung am 4. Februar 2014:

press center of the Supreme Council of ARC:

In his speech, the Chairman of Permanent Commission of SC ARC on culture Sergey Tsekov stressed that in the current situation, “our guardian and our protector can only be the Russian Federation”. He urged the presidency and the Supreme Council of Crimea to prepare an appeal to the Russian Federation on support, assistance and protection”.The speaker requested the Secretariat of the Supreme Council of Crimea to study the proposals of the member of the Presidium of the Crimean Parliament, Sergei Tsekov and to prepare a document.

The Chairman of the Supreme Council of Crimea on interaction with bodies of local self-government in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea Vladimir Klichnikov noticed that “today, more than ever, is the question of preserving state sovereignty of Ukraine, and, therefore, the future status of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea”.

“The rights of the Crimean autonomy increasingly blurred, talked away and ignored, – V. Klichnikov. – With the adoption of laws of Ukraine, the Autonomous Republic of Crimea is very often simply being forgotten and even regulations of ministries and agencies are riding roughshod over the regulatory framework law of autonomy, the rights of our citizens.”

“Today we see that the wave of criticism of the Central government, on the wave of populist slogans about European values, in Ukraine a group of national fascist is torn to the power, which threatens not only the status of the Republic, and in the program “Svoboda” explicitly States the elimination of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, they tout the sacred: the heroic story of our ancestors, the great Russian language (one of the six UN languages), a recognized and respected worldwide, and by our culture”, – said the Deputy. V. Klichnikov noted that “for the Crimean authorities there comes a time to get up the guts and political will, standing up for the rights and freedoms of our voters”. The February session of SC ARC, he proposed to consider the establishment of a working group on amendments and additions to the Constitution of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the Constitution of Ukraine on conducting all-Crimean poll on the question of the status of Crimea, as well as to appeal to the President and to the Legislative Assembly of the Russian Federation to act as a guarantor of the inviolability of the status of autonomy, the protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens.

Am 20. Februar, zwei Tage vor dem Putsch in Kiew, reiste der Vorsitzender des Krimparlaments nach Moskau und erklärte dort bei einer Pressekonferenz in ultimativer Form, dass die Krim sich von der Ukraine abspalten werden, sollte es zu einem Putsch in Kiew kommen.

Die Ukrainische Tageszeitung Vesti-Ukr berichtete an diesem Tag:

Crimea is preparing to raise the question of secession from Ukraine.

Das war eine Woche VOR dem Eingreifen des russischen Militärs auf der Krim.

Am 22. Februar kam es in der Hauptstadt der Ukraine zu einem Putsch, und die Krimregierung setzte ihre Drohung sich in diesem Fall abzuspalten um.

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