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683 Beiträge seit 01.06.2018


Die Linke hat taditionell etwas gegen open borders, siehe:

The Left Case against Open Borders
In the heightened emotions of America’s public debate on migration, a simple moral and political dichotomy prevails. It is “right-wing” to be “against immigration” and “left-wing” to be “for immigration.” But the economics of migration tell a different story.
The transformation of open borders into a “Left” position is a very new phenomenon and runs counter to the history of the organized Left in fundamental ways. Open borders has long been a rallying cry of the business and free market Right. Drawing from neoclassical economists, these groups have advocated for liberalizing migration on the grounds of market rationality and economic freedom. They oppose limits on migration for the same reasons that they oppose restrictions on the movement of capital. The Koch-funded Cato Institute, which also advocates lifting legal restrictions on child labor, has churned out radical open borders advocacy for decades, arguing that support for open borders is a fundamental tenet of libertarianism, and “Forget the wall already, it’s time for the U.S. to have open borders.” The Adam Smith Institute has done much the same, arguing that “Immigration restrictions make us poorer.”
Following Reagan and figures like Milton Friedman, George W. Bush championed liberalizing migration before, during, and after his presidency. Grover Norquist, a zealous advocate of Trump’s (and Bush’s and Reagan’s) tax cuts, has for years railed against the illiberalism of the trade unions, reminding us, “Hostility to immigration has traditionally been a union cause.” [...]
This article originally appeared in American Affairs Volume II, Number 4 (Winter 2018): 17–30.

Aber sie glauben vermutlich auch, daß Adenauer (das war der mit den Türken), Kohl (das war der mit den Deutschrussen) oder Merkel (das war die mit den Syrern) in Wirklichkeit Linke sind, oder?

Und ja, es gibt Leute, die sich als links sehen und für open borders sind. Das sind aber Toiletten-Linke, die sich lieber um (Gender-) Toiletten kümmern als um Ausbeutung/soziale Gerechtigkeit/Klassenkampf.


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