Lernen Sie, was IL* und SM** ist.
"In wars of words, truth isn’t the first casualty. It’s the first weapon – that’s to say, our side’s truth is our weapon; the other side’s truth is a pack of lies (aka deception, disinformation, active measures, trolling). By the way, the US Constitution’s free speech amendment is a two-edged sword in this war-making. Our side’s freedom to speak the truth or to tell lies is lawful; the other side’s freedom to speak their truth on our side of the front is an indictable crime, according to the Department of Justice. It’s foreign agent influence peddling, election interference, sedition, or (if Julian Assange did it) espionage.
Repeat our side’s lie often enough and this will erase the truth of the other side’s as if it had never existed. Novichok, for example, is a war-fighting word — NATO side claims it was a poison to kill Sergei Skripal three years ago; that was a lie. NATO side has repeated that it was a poison to kill Alexei Navalny eight months ago. It’s still a lie, but as a war-fighting word, it has managed to kill the truth on our side of the front.
IL* is leveraged by Kremlin-official or pro-Kremlin-actors in a hostile information influence campaign (HIIC) to further their interests in Germany.”
* Information Laundering
** Source Magnification
beides Originalton STRATCOM
Und wiederum passend dazu aus einem offenen Brief von Paul Craig Roberts an Putin:
"f I may offer my advice, President Putin, explain to Peskov and to Zakharov not to respond to accusations and insults. Ignore them. Say nothing. Stop trying to appeal to Washington and its NATO puppets. The fact that Russia believes facts are relevant is seen by the West as a sign of great weakness. Facts don’t matter in the West. Russiagate proved that for you.
Until you show Russia’s power, you will not be taken seriously. The longer you are not taken seriously, the greater the likelihood that threats against Russia will mount until nuclear war arrives. Obviously, Russia is not taken seriously with American Democrat leaders describing the President of Russia as the “new Hitler” and “a killer.”
Washington denies you friends in Europe. Find them elsewhere."
Nun, die Freunde elsewhere hat Putin schon gefunden, und über die US-Absichten muß er wohl nicht aufgeklärt werden. Aber alles zu seiner Zeit, und man darf wohl annehmen, daß die russische Regierung weiß, wann die Zeit für welche Aktionen gekommen ist.
Aber ist es nicht rührend, wie engagiert PCR an diesem Thema bleibt? Aber seine Landsleute damit aufwecken kann er wohl nicht.
Das Posting wurde vom Benutzer editiert (19.03.2021 16:26).