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Und Sputnik stiftet auch gerade wieder Unruhe

"So we should negotiate with Putin to get it. Russia is a neighbouring country of ours, and since they have created a vaccine that works, we should also be on", Grande told national broadcaster NRK.

According to Grande, Norway doesn't have to negotiate the agreement through the EU and may well act on its own."

Da haben wir's! Schreiben die MSM doch seit Jahren: "Putin will die EU zerstören." Hier ist der Beweis! :-)

Und RT stört auch schon wieder die OPS "Discredit SputnikV":

"Fears of fake vaccines have been heightened after authorities in Mexico raided a private plane they say was attempting to smuggle a thousand vials of what appeared to be the Moscow-made Sputnik V coronavirus jab into the country.
..a statement issued on Thursday, the team behind the Russian-made formula announced that the batch was counterfeit, and simply “designed and packaged as Sputnik V.”

“Analysis of the photographs of the seized batch, including the design of containers and labels, suggests that it is a fake substance which has nothing to do with the original vaccine,” said the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RFID), which financed the development of the jab."

Und gleich noch so ein Klops von RT, der geeignet ist, die Pax Americana endgültig zu zerstören oder jedenfalls stark zu behindern:

"Disparate nations have come together to defend the UN Charter and rein in US aggression across the world – & not a moment too soon "

Das Posting wurde vom Benutzer editiert (18.03.2021 17:50).

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