Der große Bruder richtet sich geade im Nicht-Nato-Staat Uktaine auf Dauer ein.
Nachdem es in Sewastopol nicht geklappt hat, wurde nun der richtige Ort für die neue US Naval Base gefunden:
"The maritime operations center is one of three projects that are currently planned to be executed by the Seabees in Ochakiv and will serve as a major planning and operational hub during future military exercises hosted by Ukraine.
"Beginning construction in Ukraine is a significant accomplishment for NMCB 1," said Lt. j.g. Jason McGee, officer in charge of Det. Ukraine. "Our ability to maximize European reassurance initiatives in Ukraine holds strategic importance, and will ultimately improve host nation defense capacity and infrastructure, strengthen relations, and increase bilateral training capabilities."
Und heftig aufgerüstet wurde auch schon seit längerem - falls das hier stimmt:
Maritime operations centers are the operational-level warfare command and control organizations designed to deliver flexible maritime capabilities throughout the full range of military operations. Maritime operations centers support fleet management and the execution of operational responsibilities by providing commanders with flexible, tailored, and scalable staff and processes to make mission-critical decisions and enhance maritime capabilities.
Other future Seabee projects in Ochakiv include a boat maintenance facility and entry control points with perimeter fencing."