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  • BE NI

395 Beiträge seit 01.06.2018


"Gründe, das BSW zu kritisieren, gäbe es in der Tat viele. Gerade in der Abschottungspolitik gegen Migranten [...]."

Warum sollte man als Linker keine Kritik an der Massenmigration haben?
Weil Linke Lohndumping und Mietwucher geil finden?
Was ist das denn für ein Framing Nowak?

Die hier finden Massenmigration geil:
Adam Smith Institute
Low tax good, anti-migration bad.

American Enterprise Institute
Immigration reduces the cost of labor-intensive goods and services.

Brookings Institution
Today, more than ever, immigration can be a solution to the biggest challenges facing the American economy.

Cato Institute (Oligarchen Koch Brothers)
Congress should look to America’s past for inspiration to expand and deregulate legal immigration.

Ford Foundation
In 1983, the Ford Foundation initiated a greatly expanded immigration program, becoming the dominant funder in the field.

Hoover Institution
Immigration Will Make America More Unequal, And That’s A Good Thing
The Case For More Immigration

Open Society Foundation (Oligarch Soros)
People from all countries should be allowed to move across borders freely for a range of purposes, such as making asylum claims, looking for work, pursuing education, reuniting with family members, starting on a path to citizenship, or escaping the effects of failed economic policies, environmental degradation, political instability, conflict, or other push factors at home.

Partei Die Linke
Wir wollen sichere Fluchtwege schaffen
Wir wollen eine solidarische Einwanderungsgesellschaft
Abschiebungen lehnen wir ab

The Aspen Institute
I believe that, in a globalized world, it is natural and desirable for all resources to flow freely. This includes capital, goods, technology, and people. Genuine liberal minds do not question this principle.

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