Informiere dich z.B. mal über die russische ECM-Technologie:
Die USA wurden sogar von somalischen Warlords zum Rückzug gezwungen. Die müssen schon ihre eigenen Manöver manipulieren, damit die Flugzeugträger "gewinnen" können. Für die Bombardierung der Zivilbevölkerung und abgerüsteter, wehrloser Staaten wie Irak und Libyen und den Aufbau islamistischer Terrornetzwerke reicht es aber noch.
"U Sank My Carrier!
But what van Ripen did to the US fleet...that's something very
different. He was given nothing but small planes and ships-fishing
boats, patrol boats, that kind of thing. He kept them circling around
the edges of the Persian Gulf aimlessly, driving the Navy crazy
trying to keep track of them. When the Admirals finally lost patience
and ordered all planes and ships to leave, van Ripen had them all
attack at once. And they sank two-thirds of the US fleet."
"War game was fixed to ensure American victory, claims general"
Bereits ein Krieg gegen Nordkorea würde die USA überfordern:
"Bill Clinton and William Perry, his Defense secretary, considered going to war against Pyongyang in 1994. On May 19 of that year, Perry, along with the then Joint Chiefs chairman, John Shalikashvili, and the commander of U.S. forces in South Korea at the time, Gen. Gary Luck, briefed the president on the anticipated costs of such a war: roughly 52,000 U.S. military killed or wounded; 490,000 South Korean military ditto, and untold numbers of Northern dead and civilian casualties, all in the first 90 days of conflict—together with a U.S. price tag of more than $61 billion. Luck later calculated the ultimate toll at more than 1 million dead, possibly including as many as 100,000 Americans, and a final bill to U.S. taxpayers in excess of $100 billion—not to mention more than $1 trillion in damage to South Korea’s economy."
Das bevorzugte Angriffsziel des US-Militärs war schon immer die Zivilbevölkerung:
"He explores the evolution of American war, showing how the first war waged against Indian noncombatant populations and their agricultural resources became the standard method of war employed by early Americans and which ultimately defined their military heritage"
"US-Doktrin: Zerstörung der Lebensgrundlagen eines Staates
Aus dem Vortrag "Krieg gegen Irak - Frieden schaffen mit aller
Gewalt?" von Jürgen Rose, Oberstleutnant der Bundeswehr - gehalten
u.a. am 21.1.2003 in Köln
Hervorzuheben ist, daß diese Luftkriegsdoktrin ganz bewußt auf die
Zerstörung der Lebensgrundlagen eines Staates abzielt und
insbesondere auch die Zivilbevölkerung selbst zum expliziten Ziel
Andererseits rückt das gegnerische Militär auf der Liste der
Zielprioritäten ganz nach hinten. Die von Warden gegebene Begründung
hierfür ist schlagend: „Contrary to Clausewitz, destruction of the
enemy military is not the essence of war; the essence of war is
convincing the enemy to accept our position, and fighting his
military forces is at best a means to an end and at worst a total
waste of time and energy.“"
US-Jets sind teurer Schrott:
"The point is to spend money. That is the mission of the airplane, is for the US congress to send money to Lookheed. That's the real mission for the airplane."
RAND: “Can’t turn. Can’t climb. Can’t run.”