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  • venice12

mehr als 1000 Beiträge seit 20.09.2015

Wie verantwortungsvoll die R2P wahrgenommen wurde

hat gerade auch eindrucksvoll Norwegen demonstriert:

"A new official report produced by the Norwegian government illustrates the continuing absurdity of NATO expansion and foreign adventurism in places very far away from the "North Atlantic" explicit in the name North Atlantic Treaty Organization — places like Afghanistan, Libya, Ukraine or Syria.

Top Norwegian officials have now admitted they "had very limited knowledge" of events unfolding in Libya during 2010 and 2011, prior to NATO's military intervention on behalf of anti-Gaddafi rebels — a war that resulted in regime change and a failed state ruled by competing governments and extremist militias to this day. Norway enthusiastically joined the US, UK, and French led bombing of the country initiated in March 2011 even knowing full well its military knew next to nothing of what was unfolding on the ground.

But what did decision-makers have to go on? Consider this absurd admission from the official report: “In such situations, decision-makers often rely on information from media and other countries,” the report reads."

Man liest Zeitung und verläßt sich auf das, was einem andere Regierungen erzählen.
Reicht doch völlig aus, um ein anderes Land zu überfallen, oder?

Übrigens wurden nicht nur über 140t Gold gestohlen, sondern auch ca 6Mrd$von belgischen Banken sind spurlos verschwunden, obwohl die Konten "eingefroren" waren.

Das Posting wurde vom Benutzer editiert (20.09.2018 15:12).

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