China is “building the world’s largest police-run DNA database” enrolling tens of millions of individuals with “no control over how their samples are collected, stored and used,” the Australian Strategic Policy Institute said in a report released in June 2020.
Since late 2017 police have swept across China to collect enough samples to build a vast DNA database. The project – which had been focused on tracking ethnic minorities and other, more targeted groups – aims to use genetics to control people. It adds to a growing, sophisticated surveillance net that the police are deploying across the country, one that increasingly includes advanced cameras, facial recognition systems and artificial intelligence.
‘DNA-harvesting’ Chinese firm supplies Covid-19 testing for UK
BGI, a Chinese genomics firm, was last year accused by US intelligence officials of having “evident links” to the Chinese Communist Party
China's push to control Americans' health care future
U.S. officials say the Chinese government is trying to collect Americans' DNA, and they believe a recent offer from a Chinese company for assistance in COVID-19 testing was suspicious. Jon Wertheim reports.
China is collecting the world’s DNA and the reason is sinister: Gordon Chang
China Wants Your DNA—and It's up To No Good | Opinion
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