Die Washington Post erklärt mal, wie das mit den Panzern gelaufen ist:
»It was Blinken who suggested a possible workaround. What if they announced a commitment to supply M1s but at some future point as part of Kyiv’s “long term” needs in a war that might go on for years?
It could provide Scholz with the cover he sought to allow the Leopards to move right away. At the same time, it would give the Pentagon […] time to address concerns about training Ukrainian forces on how to use them and setting up the necessary logistics.«
Die ehrenwerte Victoria Nuland zu Nordstream:
»Senator Cruz, like you, I am, and i think the administration is very gratified to know that Nord Stream 2 is now, as you like to say, a hunk of metal at the bottom of the sea.«
ca. 1:36:50
scnr + gruss. luky