mit ihrem "Democracy Summit" in Kopenhagen.
"The Alliance of Democracies was founded in 2017 by former Prime Minister of Denmark Anders Fogh Rasmussen. As Secretary General of NATO between 2009 and 2014, he also oversaw the Iraq and Afghanistan occupations, as well as the attack and regime-change operation in Libya, which saw ISIS-affiliated jihadists take control of the country. Together with future President Joe Biden and former Director of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff, Rasmussen also founded the Transatlantic Commission on Election Integrity (TECI), an AoD body at the forefront of accusing Russia of election meddling in the U.S. Biden was one of the inaugural speakers at the first Democracy Summit in 2018."
Da kann ja nichts mehr schief gehen mit der weltweiten Verbreitung der Demokratie, wenn sich so illustre Persönlichkeiten wie u.a. Guaido, Tichanowskaja und Adam Schiff im Panel befinden.
Dumm nur, daß im "Democracy Perception Index 2021" deutlich wurde, daß "The United States is the nation that most threatens democracy worldwide, far more than Russia or even China. "
Was nun, Herr Rasmussen u.a.?