Der La Ninaeffekt fiel im letzten Winter fast weg, dafuer steht jetzt die 2. Welle vor der Tuer:
" But there is another anomaly that stands out during second-year La Nina events, and that is the high-pressure system over northwestern Siberia. That can have a major role in the European winter pattern, as we can see lower than normal pressure over much of mainland Europe, which would mean colder weather.
The actual early winter forecast from CFSv2 shows the high pressure in the North Pacific, and the hint of a low-pressure system over western Canada and the northern United States. Much more impressive is the high-pressure anomaly over the Polar Regions. This is just a first look forecast, with major changes likely as we will get closer to Winter."
Das heisst fuer Solaranlagenbesitzer eine hoehere Ernte im Winter 2021/22 :)
Eine genauere Vorhersage wird Ende des Monats erwartet.
Montel hat dazu gerade was ueber den Ticker geschickt:
Das Posting wurde vom Benutzer editiert (12.10.2021 11:49).