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  • _TomB_

81 Beiträge seit 02.10.2024

Re: Gemäß IAEA gaben die schon vor über 20 Jahren einen Anlass zur Sorge

Was so in einem Bericht der IAEA von 2003 (ist dort der älteste gelistete) zu finden ist.

32. Iran has failed to meet its obligations under its Safeguards Agreement with respect to the reporting of nuclear material, the subsequent processing and use of that material and the declaration of facilities where the material was stored and processed. These failures, and the actions taken thus far to correct them, can be summarized as follows: eine Seite mit Fehlern...

33. Although the quantities of nuclear material involved have not been large, and the material would need further processing before being suitable for use as the fissile material component of a nuclear explosive device, the number of failures by Iran to report the material, facilities and activities in question in a timely manner as it is obliged to do pursuant to its Safeguards Agreement is a matter of concern. While these failures are in the process of being rectified by Iran, the process of verifying the correctness and completeness of the Iranian declarations is still ongoing.

Das Posting wurde vom Benutzer editiert (10.10.2024 02:40).

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