Dafür braucht es nicht unbedingt eine strafrechtliche Bestätigung um zu wissen wie dieser Krah so tickt.
Da reicht es seine Interviews anzusehen oder zu lesen. Das von der Global Times ist ja erschreckend:
GT: Some people in Europe want to develop cooperation with China, but at the same time they try to point fingers at China over human rights issues. China will not accept unreasonable external criticism on human rights. How do you view such a situation?
Krah: Human rights is a crucial issue. Everyone in the world accepts human rights and agrees on its importance. But we see a development in interpretation of what these rights means, and we see that the US is using human rights as a political tool.
Right now, the interpretation of what human rights are is mostly done by Western, left-liberal NGOs. You know the name of George Soros. By excessive interpretation they invent new rights that were not in the declaration and are not acceptable outside extremely liberal regions, such as gay marriage, abortion, or running foreign sponsored NGO. These NGOs are not politically neutral. They produce fake news, they follow a political agenda. They just belong to the deep state.