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Programm der NATO-Kollaborateure ist faschistisch

Die von BRD und USA herangezüchteten Putschisten schwenken völlig zu Recht die Fahne der Nazi-Kollaborateure:

Belarus soll wie die Ukraine in einen faschistischen Frontstaat transformiert werden. Kein Wunder, dass diese Marionetten die Wahlen immer verlieren und sich kaum Arbeiter finden, die so dumm sind, für Massenarbeitslosigkeit und Krieg zu streiken. Demokratisch läßt sich das faschistisches Programm der NATO-Kollaborateure nicht durchsetzen sondern nur durch einen völkerrechtswidrigen Putsch und Krieg wie in der Ukraine.

"Der Deutsche Hans-Georg Wieck, ehemals Geheimdienstchef und OSZE-Botschafter in Weißrussland, beziffert die Ausgaben für einen außengesteuerten Machtwechsel ( ,,Programm zur Förderung der politischen Alternative in Belarus") auf ,,jährlich etwa 14,2 Millionen Euro". Wie ein ranghoher deutscher Diplomat vorhersagt, werde Minsk ,,in spätestens fünf Jahren"an den Westen fallen."
Vollständige englische Version:
Maschinelle Übersetzung:
"Reanimation package of reforms for Belarus
The strengthening of national identity, the rise of patriotism and national dignity;
Integration into Western political, economic and military structures (EU, NATO).
Priority measures (up to 2021)

1. In the political sphere:

Withdrawal from the " Union state”, the Eurasian Union, the Customs Union and other integration entities where Russia dominates;

ban Pro-Russian organizations whose activities are contrary to national interests, as well as Russian foundations and organizations that Finance such structures;

Introduction of criminal liability for public statements that challenge the existence of a separate Belarusian nation and/or its historical right to its own state. Introduction of criminal liability for public insults to the Belarusian language;

Civil society monitoring of Pro-Kremlin initiatives in Belarus;

Implementation of border and customs control at the border with Russia

2. Ban the sale of Belarusian infrastructure to Russian companies.
Ban on broadcasting publicistic, socio—political and news programs created by Russian TV channels in Belarus;

Inclusion of mandatory public TV channels of Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Ukraine in the standard TV package;
4. In the military sphere:

Withdrawal from the CSTO, return of full control of Belarus over its air and missile defense systems;

Withdrawal of Russian military facilities from the territory of Belarus — the communications hub in Vileika and the radar station near Baranovichi;

Strengthening Patriotic education in the Belarusian army;

Translation of educational work in the army into Belarusian;

Development of border infrastructure on the border with EU countries, increasing the capacity of border crossings.
Popularization of national heroes with a focus on the 19th and 20th century;
reducing the share of Russia as an energy supplier to Belarus to 50 % of the total volume of energy imports;
Inclusion of Belarus in cooperation programs within the framework of the three Seas initiative in order to prepare the necessary documents, programs and infrastructure for Belarus to join the future system of liquefied gas supplies from the United States to Eastern Europe;

Privatization of state-owned enterprises with a ban on acquisition by companies with a share of Russian capital greater than 20 %; creation of conditions for attracting foreign direct investment;

Construction of modern railway tracks and highways Kiev-Minsk-Vilnius, Lviv-Brest-Grodno-Vilnius, Vitebsk-Polotsk-Daugavpils-Riga.
Setting for cable broadcasting the maximum allowable share of TV channels that foreign countries participate in the production of, 50% of the total number of TV channels offered in the package;
Retransmission by national TV channels of popular science, entertainment and news programs from the European Union, great Britain, Canada, the United States, and Australia.

4. In the military sphere:

Transition to NATO standards;

Training of military personnel with sending Belarusian military personnel to the relevant educational institutions and centers of NATO countries;

Translation into Belarusian of all life activities of the Belarusian army (service, combat work, maintenance, etc.);

Naming Belarusian military units and educational institutions after Belarusian national heroes;

Formation of the Belarusian armed forces from four integral parts
Conduct a comprehensive de-communization and de-Sovietization of Belarus;

Belarusization of the religious life of all Christian denominations and other religions;

Belarusization of the education system at all levels and forms;
Restoration of the Belarusian Autocephalous Orthodox Church as a national alternative to the Belarusian Exarchate of the Russian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate;

Belarus fulfills all the criteria for membership in the European Union and NATO, and submits relevant applications for membership in these structures;
Strengthening cooperation and formation of strategic partnership within the framework of the Baltic-black sea Commonwealth, formation and organization of the corresponding regional interstate block;"

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