Max-Headroom schrieb am 16.12.2024 14:28:
Afghanistan hatte keine Bedeutung mehr. Als man 1979 im Dezember, also knapp ein halbes Jahr nachdem die USA angefangen hatten die Mudschahedin zu unterstützen[1], dort militärisch tätig wurde, ging es darum den Einfluss der USA in der Region zu verhindern/zurückzudrängen.
Die Unterstützung vor dem sowjetischen Einmarsch umfasste nicht-militärische Ausrüstung ("non-lethal). Erst nach dem Einmarsch wurden Waffen geliefert.
"On July 3, Carter signed two findings. The first provided authorization to “support insurgent propaganda and other psychological operations in Afghanistan; establish radio access to the Afghan population through thirdcountry facilities”; and “provide unilaterally or through third countries as appropriate support to Afghan insurgents, either in the form of cash or nonmilitary supplies.” The second authorized the tasking or encouragement of “the network of agents or other contacts in foreign countries to provide nonattributable propaganda, or related actions” to “expose the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan and its leadership as despotic and subservient to the Soviet Union,” and to “publicize efforts by the Afghan insurgents to regain their country’s sovereignty.” The CIA was authorized to expend up to $695,000, of which $575,000 was drawn by mid-August. Officers from the Near East South Asia Division imported cash, medical equipment, and radio transmitters to Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence Directorate (ISI), who then distributed them to the insurgents. Unilateral assets also separately transferred funds into Afghanistan and to exiles abroad."