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  • KarlderEinfaeltige

962 Beiträge seit 01.12.2020

Re: Interessant, wie schnell Assad von Russland fallen gelassen wurde

Max-Headroom schrieb am 16.12.2024 15:23:

jungspund schrieb am 16.12.2024 14:50:

lölchen. .... nachträgliches gesundbeten hat eine ganz geringe erfolgsquote bei toten pferden.


Afghanistan ist verwüstet und unregierbar – eine ideale Brutstätte für fundamentalistischen Terror. Aus den Machtkämpfen der Mudschaheddin untereinander gehen 1994 die radikalislamischen Taliban als Sieger hervor. Ein hoher Preis für die Rache der CIA.

Wäre vielleicht ganz gut gewesen, wenn die Kommunisten nicht jedem einen Genickschuss verpasst hätten, der mit ihrer Politik nicht einverstanden war.
"Afghan Communists with their Soviet advisers re-instituted systematic torture after 1978. Those nostalgic for their rule might visit uncovered mass graves near Herat and Kabul of male and female skeletons, in stacks of “class enemies,” blindfolded and shot in the nape and buried under bulldozers. (Blindfolds are so tight that several yet cling to skulls.) Batches of victims in these pits included those not shot but buried alive under the bulldozers (this writer interviewed one extraordinary survivor who groped his way up back to air from among the dead, when the executioners of his group left Kabul’s Polygon Field in autumn 1979). Variants included public burnings alive of villagers writhing in bonds and doused in gasoline, with other villagers forced to watch, as at Deh-Sabz outside Kabul in summer 1979. This writer, travelling clandestinely for the Paris “Bertrand Russell Hearings” on Afghanistan through a Soviet-ravaged Afghan countryside in autumn 1982, investigated one such burning alive of 105 adults and children in a village irrigation ditch filled with gasoline and ignited under incendiary bullets by Soviet soldiers in Logar province, an hour’s jeep drive south of Kabul. Carpet-bombing or strafing from helicopters was what most villagers feared, of course. Torture was mainly inflicted upon urban unfortunates: “We need only leave one million Afghans alive, that is all we need to build a People’s regime (sirf yak miliyun nafar kafi-st keh dar Afghanistan zinda bashad, sirf yak miliyun Khalqi kar darim),” were the words (attested by countless inmates) barked at prisoners by Sayyid Abdullah, commander of the Pul-i Charkhi prison outside Kabul where 27,000 victims were executed between April 1978 and January 1980 – and still used as a detention center"

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