The Human Terrain Team [HTT] AF-6, assigned to the 2nd Marine Expeditionary Battalion and colocated with British forces in Lashkar Gah, has been requested by these forces to provide insight on Pashtun cultural traditions regarding male sexuality for reasons of enhanced baseline cultural understanding for improved interaction as well as any IO applicability.
Because of the extremely sensitive nature of this investigation, traditional HTT techniques involving a directed research plan and series of interviews executed to generate, test, and confirm hypotheses are not feasible. Direct questioning of Pashtun male interviewees on the subject is further hindered by the female gender of the social scientist writing. Instead, findings here will be based upon field observations and interviews responses by Pashtun men which were revealing regarding the topic, although discovered through the lines of questioning of other investigations. As sexuality is an essential building block of all human interaction and culture, these incidences of insight have been abundant, even couched in other
research goals.
Key Observations
- A culturally-contrived homosexuality (significantly not termed as such by its
practitioners) appears to affect a far greater population base then some researchers would argue is attributable to natural inclination.
- Some of its root causes lie in the severe segregation of women, the prohibitive cost of
marriage within Pashtun tribal codes, and the depressed economic situation into which
young Pashtun men are placed.
- Other root causes include a long-standing cultural tradition in which boys are appreciated for physical beauty and apprenticed to older men for their sexual initiation. The fallout of this pattern of behavior over generations has a profound impact on Pashtun society and culture.
- Homosexuality is strictly prohibited in Islam, but cultural interpretations of Islamic
teaching prevalent in Pashtun areas of southern Afghanistan tacitly condone it in
comparison to heterosexual relationships in several contexts.
- Pashtun men are freer with companionship, affection, emotional and artistic expression, and the trust bred of familiarity with other men. They often lack the experience of these aspects of life with women.
- This usurping of the female role may contribute to the alienation of women over
generations, and their eventual relegation to extreme segregation and abuse.
As HTT has observed with frequency while on patrols in Helmand and Kandahar provinces, these men are outwardly affectionate toward both one another and male ISAF members, are extremely gentle in their demeanor and touch, and have often taken great care in embellishing their personal appearance with fingernails dyed red, hair and beards hennaed in careful patterns, and eyes very occasionally
subtly outlined.
The article titled “Startled Marines Find Afghan Men All Made Up to See Them,” by
Chris Stephen ran in the national newspaper The Scotsman on May 24, 2002. Not even in reference to the more heavily Pashtun southern areas of Afghanistan, it read:
'In Baghram, British Marines returning from an operation deep in the Afghan
mountains spoke last night of an alarming new threat—being propositioned by
swarms of gay local farmers. An Arbroath Marine, James Fletcher, said: 'They
were more terrifying than the al-Qaeda. One bloke who had painted toenails was
offering to paint ours. They go about hand in hand, mincing around the village.'
While the Marines failed to find any al-Qaeda during the seven-day Operation
Condor, they were propositioned by dozens of men in villages the troops were
ordered to search.'
Another interviewee in the article, a Marine in his 20's, stated, "It was hell... Every village we went into we got a group of men wearing make-up coming up, stroking our hair and cheeks and making kissing noises." Beyond reacting to the unusual sight of made-up men, which one can readily accept as a style unique to a different culture, these Marines appear to have no doubt that they were being sexually propositioned.