Anton Flegar schrieb am 20.12.2024 19:07:
Ist es nicht seltsam, dass lediglich CNN darüber berichtete und ansonsten andere Medien keine Notiz von dieser angeblichen neuen Doktrin genommen haben?
Das ist falsch. Es war schlicht der erste Link zu dem Thema. Die Suchresultate sind durch die letzte Änderung ziemlich verseucht, hier mehr Material:
Russia’s doctrine for the use of nuclear weapons has gone through several evolutions over the past 15 years. Changes in 2010 and 2020 seemed relatively benign. In September 2024, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced additional modifications, which appear more meaningful.
Hier der Kreml selbst:
Here is what I wanted to say in this regard. First, as you know, on June 2, 2020 I signed Executive Order On Basic Principles of State Policy of the Russian Federation on Nuclear Deterrence. This document clearly spells out the conditions that have to be met in order to decide on using nuclear weapons. In fact, Russia reaffirmed its principled position whereby using nuclear weapons remains the last resort for ensuring national security. Essentially, it means that we can use the nuclear weapons we have at our disposal, but only in response to a nuclear attack against our country. This is what these fundamental documents are all about.