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Re: Natürlich hat die Türkei "nur" eine Exportversion

Monata (1) schrieb am 08.10.2024 08:20:

Die bisher einzige Konfrontation zwischen MiG-29 und F-16 während des Kosovokrieges 1999 endete jedoch mit dem Abschuss der serbischen MiG durch eine niederländische F-16.

Es wäre interessant zu wissen, ob das Duell genau so ausgegangen wäre, wenn der Holländer in der MiG gewesen wär, während der Serbe die F16 geflogen hätte.

Die russische/sowjetische Waffentechnik wurde und wird gern überschätzt. Siehe die abgeschossene "Stealth"-Drohne S-70
Die hat zwar die ungefähre Form ihres Vorbilds

aber keine Stealth-Materialien. An der Tragfläche werden normale Niete verwendet, die Triebwerksverkleidung aus Blech ragt hinten heraus.

Auch die SU-25 wurde zu Anfang völlig überschätzt:

When first seen in reconnaissance photography, the large wings suggested an enormous and highly manoeuvrable fighter, at a time when U.S. design theories were also evolving towards higher manoeuvrability due to combat performance in the Vietnam War. The appearance of the MiG-25 sparked serious concern in the West and prompted dramatic increases in performance requirements for the McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle, then under development in the late 1960s. The capabilities of the MiG-25 were better understood by the West in 1976 when Soviet pilot Viktor Belenko defected in a MiG-25 to the United States via Japan. It turned out that the aircraft's weight necessitated its large wings.


The analysis, based on technical manuals and ground tests of its engines and avionics, revealed unusual technical information:

- Belenko's particular aircraft was brand new, representing the latest Soviet technology.
- The aircraft was assembled quickly and was essentially built around its massive Tumansky R-15(B) turbojets.
- Welding was done by hand. Rivets with non-flush heads were used in areas that would not cause adverse aerodynamic drag.
- The aircraft was built of a nickel-steel alloy and not titanium, as was assumed (although some titanium was used in heat-critical areas). The steel construction contributed to the craft's high 29,000 kg (64,000 lb) unarmed weight.
- Maximum acceleration (g-load) rating was just 2.2 g (21.6 m/s2) with full fuel tanks, with an absolute limit of 4.5 g (44.1 m/s2). One MiG-25 withstood an inadvertent 11.5 g (112.8 m/s2) pull during low-altitude dogfight training, but the resulting deformation damaged the airframe beyond repair.

Das Posting wurde vom Benutzer editiert (08.10.2024 10:26).

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