Die drei Autoren des Berichts lobten ihre Quelle über alle Maßen:
"The three lawyers interviewed the source, a military policeman who
worked secretly with a Syrian opposition group and later defected and
fled the country. In three sessions in the last 10 days they found
him credible and truthful and his account 'most compelling'."
Kein Wunder, hat die Quelle mit einer von Katar finanzierten Gruppe
zusammen gearbeitet:
"The defector, who for security reasons is identified only as Caesar,
was a photographer with the Syrian military police. He smuggled the
images out of the country on memory sticks to a contact in the Syrian
National Movement, which is supported by the Gulf state of Qatar."
Selbst dem Guardian fällt auf, dass die Veröffentlichung des
Berichts, wohl rein zufällig, mit dem Beginn der Friedenskonferenz
zusammen fällt:
"Its publication appears deliberately timed to coincide with this
week's UN-organised Geneva II peace conference, which is designed to
negotiate a way out of the Syrian crisis by creating a transitional
"The three lawyers interviewed the source, a military policeman who
worked secretly with a Syrian opposition group and later defected and
fled the country. In three sessions in the last 10 days they found
him credible and truthful and his account 'most compelling'."
Kein Wunder, hat die Quelle mit einer von Katar finanzierten Gruppe
zusammen gearbeitet:
"The defector, who for security reasons is identified only as Caesar,
was a photographer with the Syrian military police. He smuggled the
images out of the country on memory sticks to a contact in the Syrian
National Movement, which is supported by the Gulf state of Qatar."
Selbst dem Guardian fällt auf, dass die Veröffentlichung des
Berichts, wohl rein zufällig, mit dem Beginn der Friedenskonferenz
zusammen fällt:
"Its publication appears deliberately timed to coincide with this
week's UN-organised Geneva II peace conference, which is designed to
negotiate a way out of the Syrian crisis by creating a transitional