Weil die Gegenseite zumindest taktisch auch nicht ganz dumm ist?
As has become clear in the days since the attack, Hamas had spent months if not years gathering intelligence on Israeli operations along the border, perhaps including during the Gaza border protests four years ago.
Late on Monday a member of Hamas’s exiled leadership told the Associated Press that the attack was planned by around a half dozen top commanders in Gaza and that even the group’s closest allies were not informed in advance about the timing. “Only a handful of Hamas commanders knew about the zero hour,” said Ali Barakeh.
Eine gewisse Betriebsblindheit könnte auch eine Rolle gespielt haben.
“We became over-reliant on the sophisticated underground barrier, on technology. We convinced ourselves that Hamas is deterred and frightened, and that we’ll always have intelligence warnings in time. We thought we knew how to analyse their intention and thoughts. Sobering will be difficult.”
If Hamas’s effort to disrupt Israeli communications was deliberate, the impact – either by luck or judgment – was exacerbated by the blindsiding of the Israeli security forces.
Und dann sind Demokratien nicht unbedingt geneigt ohne konkreten Anlass unbegrenzt in einem Belagerungszustand zu bleiben.
Das Posting wurde vom Benutzer editiert (11.10.2023 09:27).