wend1go schrieb am 20.08.2024 16:01:
Und auch die grüne Außenministerin Baerbock lobt die geplante Stationierung amerikanischer Raketen. Sie sagt, Russland habe schon vor Jahren mit Abrüstungsverträgen und der gemeinsamen Friedensarchitektur gebrochen.
Trump kündigt einfach den Vertrag,
Nachdem Russland ihn verletzt hatte:
According to US officials, Russia violated the treaty in 2008 by testing the SSC-8 cruise missile, which has a range of 3,000 km (1,900 mi). Russia rejected the claim that their SSC-8 missiles violated the treaty, claiming that the SSC-8 has a maximum range of only 480 km (300 mi). In 2013, it was reported that Russia had tested and planned to continue testing two missiles in ways that could violate the terms of the treaty: the road-mobile SS-25 and the newer RS-26 ICBMs. The US representatives briefed NATO on other Russian breaches of the INF Treaty in 2014 and 2017. In 2018, NATO formally supported the US claims and accused Russia of breaking the treaty. Russia denied the accusation and Putin said it was a pretext for the US to withdraw from the treaty. A BBC analysis of the meeting that culminated in the NATO statement said that "NATO allies here share Washington's concerns and have backed the US position, thankful perhaps that it includes this short grace period during which Russia might change its mind."
Russland zieht wenig später nach weil es sinnlos ist sich weiter daran zu halten wenn der Gegner lieber aufrüsten will und dann heißt es jetzt Russland hätte mit den Abrüstungsverträgen gebrochen, alles klar.