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Re: China hat sich der UN-Resolution

B.Eckstein schrieb am 12.01.2024 12:35:

die die sofortige Beendigung der Huthi-Angriffe forderte, enthalten.

Die Route via Suez und Golf von Aden ist da die Verbindung CN-EU für Containerschiffe. Ich lese immer nur von europäischen Reedereien, die Ärger mit Huthi-Angriffen haben. Hat's auch mal Schiffe von z.B. COSCO erwischt?

Ohne jetzt China was unterstellen zu wollen, würde mich einfach mal interessieren.

Die Huthis hatten ja erklärt, dass sie nur Schiffe mit Ziel Israel an der Durchfahrt hindern wollen, um durch diese Seeblockade einen Waffenstillstand in Gaza zu erzwingen.

Inwiefern Angriffe der Huthis auch Schiffe mit anderen Zielen getroffen haben, geht aus den üblichen Berichten der Mainstream-Medien leider selten hervor.

Öl- und Gastanker scheinen von den Huthi-Angriffen ausgenommen:

HOUSTON, Jan 9 (Reuters) - Oil and fuel tanker traffic in the Red Sea was stable in December, even though many container ships have rerouted due to attacks by Iran-aligned Houthi militants, a Reuters analysis of vessel tracking data showed.

The attacks have driven up shipping costs sharply along with insurance premiums, but have had less impact than feared on oil flows, with shippers continuing to use the key East-West passage. The Houthis, who have said they are targeting Israel-bound vessels, have largely attacked non-petroleum goods shipments.
Tanker traffic in the south Red Sea region briefly dipped between Dec. 18 and Dec. 22 when the Houthi group intensified attacks on vessels, averaging 66 tankers, but movements resumed after, according to MariTrace.

Container ship traffic in the area has fallen more sharply, down 28% in December from November, with steep declines in the second half of the month as attacks mounted, according to MariTrace.
The Chevron-chartered Delta Poseidon traversed the Suez Canal and Red Sea at the end of December en route to Singapore, according to LSEG's ship tracker. The Sanmar Sarod, chartered by Indian refiner Reliance, also crossed the Red Sea in late December to deliver gasoline components to the United States, data showed.

Chevron "will continue to actively assess the safety of routes in the Red Sea and throughout the Middle East and make decisions based on the latest developments," a spokesperson said.

Das Posting wurde vom Benutzer editiert (12.01.2024 13:15).

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