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Die USA haben das schon in den 40ern

Der Wertewesten hat die Banderafaschisten schon in den 40ern angeheuert, um die Ukraine zu terrorisieren. Worum es dem Wertewesten bei diesem mörderischen Werteexport geht, kann man in seinen Strategiepapieren nachlesen.

"Gehlen Organization
Under Operation Sunrise, some 5,000 anti-communist Eastern European
and Russian personnel were trained for operational missions at a camp
at Oberammergau in 1946, under the command of General Sikes and SS
General Burckhardt. This and related initiatives supported
insurgencies in areas such as Ukraine, which were not entirely
supressed by the Soviets until 1956."

"The BND, the West German intelligence service under former Wehrmacht
Gen. Reinhard Gehlen, formed a new relationship with Bandera. It was
a natural union. During the war, Gehlen’s senior officers argued that
the USSR could be broken up if only Germany wooed the various
nationalities properly. Bandera had continued lines into the Ukraine,
and in March 1956 he offered these in return for money and
AERODYNAMIC’s first phase involved infiltration into Ukraine and then
ex-filtration of CIA-trained Ukrainian agents. By January 1950 the
CIA’s arm for the collection of secret intelligence (Office of
Special Operations, OSO) and its arm for covert operations (Office of
Policy Coordination, OPC) participated. Operations in that year
revealed “a well established and secure underground movement” in the
Ukraine that was even “larger and more fully developed than previous
reports had indicated.” Washington was especially pleased with the
high level of UPA training in the Ukraine and its potential for
further guerrilla actions, and with “the extraordinary news that …
active resistance to the Soviet regime was spreading steadily
eastward, out of the former Polish, Greek Catholic provinces.”97
The CIA decided to expand its operations for “the support,
development, and exploitation of the Ukrainian underground movement
for resistance and intelligence purposes.” “In view of the extent and
activity of the resistance movement in the Ukraine,” said OPC Chief
Frank Wisner, “we consider this to be a top priority project.”98
In 1957 alone, with CIA support, Prolog broadcast 1,200 radio
programs totaling 70 hours per month and distributed 200,000
newspapers and 5,000 pamphlets. In the years following, Prolog
distributed books by nationalist Collaborators
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Ukrainian writers and poets. One CIA analyst judged that, “some form
of nationalist feeling
continues to exist [in the Ukraine] and … there is an obligation to
support it as a cold war weapon.
” The distribution of literature in
the Soviet Ukraine continued to the end of the Cold War.""

"U.S. troops begin training Ukrainian forces"

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