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  • KarlderEinfaeltige

856 Beiträge seit 01.12.2020

Re: "Fuck the EU"

DasWoelfchen schrieb am 23.05.2024 18:19:

KarlderEinfaeltige schrieb am 23.05.2024 15:39:

Raistlin666 schrieb am 23.05.2024 14:49:

Danke Frau Erler, das Sie das eigentliche Problem des Telefonats benennen, nämlich wer der nächste Präsident werden sollte (Jazeniuk) und es später dann ja auch wurde.

Ich finde es unerträglich das in 90% der Fälle in denen über das Telefonat gesprochen wird immer das "Fuck the EU" im Vordergrund steht, während Jazenuik gar nicht erwähnt wird.

Na ja, der Kontext des Telefonats ist auch nicht ganz irrelevant: Am 25. Januar machte Janukowytsch den Oppositionspolitikern Arsenij Jazenjuk und Vitali Klitschko ein Angebot: Jazenjuk sollte Ministerpräsident und Klitschko Vize-Ministerpräsident in einem neuen Kabinett unter Präsident Janukowytsch werden.
"After several hours of discussions on Saturday, it was announced that Yanukovych had offered the prime minister's job to Arseny Yatsenyuk, of jailed former prime minister Yulia Tymoshenko's Fatherland party. He also offered a deputy prime minister post to Vitali Klitschko, a former heavyweight boxer, and promised public debates with him."

Das heißt, es ging um einen Ministerpräsidenten Jazenjuk bzw. Vize-Ministerpräsidenten Klitschko in einem Kabinett unter einem Präsidenten Janukowytsch, also nicht um einen "Regime-Wechsel".

Paul D’Anieri: Ukraine and Russia. From Civilized Divorce to Uncivil War. Cambridge University Press, 2023, ISBN 978-1-00-931554-8, S. 216.
"When Yanukovych, in January 2014, sought a compromise that would bring leaders of opposition parties into the government, the United States strove to get the opposition leaders to go along and was trying to bring in others, including the UN, to encourage this. The United States hoped that Arseniy Yatseniuk, rather than Vitaliy Klitschko, would become the new prime minister, apparently due to Yatseniuk’s greater economic expertise. It also wanted to keep the far-right Svoboda leader Oleh Tyahnybok out of the government. Details of the US position were leaked (presumably by Russia) from a cell phone conversation between Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland and Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt. This was much the same deal that the EU foreign ministers sought to negotiate with Yanukovych after the February 18 violence. Despite Nuland’s expletive-laden complaints about the EU, and the tiff that her outburst provoked, the European Union and United States were advancing compatible positions that would have kept Yanukovych in power."

Maria Popova, Oxana Shevel: Russia and Ukraine. Entangled Histories, Diverging States. Polity Press, 2024, ISBN 978-1-5095-5737-0, S. 154
"A phone call leaked in early February, where Nuland and US Ambassador Pyatt discuss preference for Yatseniuk over the other leaders of the opposition, Klitchko and Tyahnybok, to join a new Yanukovych cabinet on account of Yatseniuk’s perceived stronger economic and governing experience, shows American endorsement of Yanukovych’s continued rule, not a plan to end it."

Wenn du jetzt noch schlüssig darlegen könntest, warum die USA in Person von Frau Nuland und Herrn Pyatt überhaupt ein Mitspracherecht in dieser innerukrainischen Angelegenheit haben sollten (denn die Maßnahmen eine bestimmte Konstellation der Beteiligten herbeizuführen war der zentrale Punkt dieses Telefonats), wäre ich dir sehr verbunden.

Klar, keine Frage, kann man zurecht kritisieren, genau wie eben auch andere Beeinflussungen in die ukrainische Politik.

Serhii Plokhy: The Russo-Ukrainian War. The Return of History. W. W. Norton & Company, New York 2023, ISBN 978-1-324-05119-0, S. 94–95,
"In November 2013 Yanukovych accepted an invitation to the EU summit in Vilnius, where he was expected to sign the association agreement but abruptly refused to do so. Speaking to his own entourage, he explained the about-face as the result of an exchange with Putin, who had allegedly told him that he would never allow the European Union or NATO to share a border with Russia. If Yanukovych signed the EU agreement, Putin threatened to occupy the Crimea and a good part of southeastern Ukraine, including the Donbas. Yanukovych, visibly shaken, decided to abandon the EU association agreement."

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