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mehr als 1000 Beiträge seit 06.11.2000

Die Stellungnahme Kubas

Hier ist ein Ausschnitt aus der Stellungnahme Kubas:

»The US military base, as is known, has occupied that 117 square kilometers territory for 121 years against the will of the Cuban people. It stands as a colonial remnant of the illegitimate military occupation of our country that started in 1898, after the expansionist intervention during the independence war waged by Cubans against the Spanish colonial power.

This is an enclave that has long lost its strategic or military importance for the United States. Its permanence only pursues the political objective of trying to outrage Cuba’s sovereign rights. Its practical usefulness in recent decades has been limited to operating as a center of detention, torture and systematic violation of the human rights of dozens of citizens from several countries.

The presence of a nuclear submarine there at this moment makes it imperative to wonder what is the military reason behind this action in this peaceful region of the world; what target is it aiming at and what is the strategic purpose it pursues.[…]«

gruss. luky

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