kostenfaktor schrieb am 09.09.2019 16:58:
Nach dem gleichen Prinzip herrscht auch die Mafia.
"Irrationality, however, does not entail that there is no rationale, and there most definitely was. Apart from its deep historical roots, the rationale derives rationally from the exigencies of world control. The CIA informed the White House that overthrow of the Castro regime “was the key to all of Latin America; if Cuba succeeds, we can expect most of Latin America to fall.” And if we cannot control our own backyard in Latin America, Nixon’s National Security Council added, we will not be able “to achieve a successful order elsewhere in the world”: that is, to impose our rule over the world. As Henry Kissinger explained while expressing his support for Reagan’s terrorist wars in Central America, “if we cannot manage Central America, it will be impossible to convince threatened nations in the Persian Gulf and in other places that we know how to manage the global equilibrium”; to translate into English, we will not be able to rule the world effectively- always for the good of mankind, by definition. Other parts of the world had an even more cosmic significance, particularly the Middle East energy producing regions. Controlling them will provide “substantial control of the world,” in the words of the influential planner A.A. Berle, a prominent figure in the Roosevelt and later liberal administrations."
https://cuba-solidarity.org.uk/cubasi/article/121/noam-chomsky-on-cuba-us-relations---exclusive"The Threat of a Good Example
If you want a global system that’s subordinated to the needs of US investors, you can’t let pieces of it wander off. It’s striking how clearly this is stated in the documentary record-even in the public record at times. Take Chile under Allende.
Chile is a fairly big place, with a lot of natural resources, but again, the United States wasn’t going to collapse if Chile became independent. Why were we so concerned about it? According to Kissinger, Chile was a "virus" that would "infect" the region with effects all the way to Italy.
US planners from Secretary of State Dean Acheson in the late 1940s to the present have warned that "one rotten apple can spoil the barrel." The danger is that the "rot"-social and economic development-may spread.
Sometimes the point is explained with great clarity. When the US was planning to overthrow Guatemalan democracy in 1954, a State Department official pointed out that "Guatemala has become an increasing threat to the stability of Honduras and El Salvador. Its agrarian reform is a powerful propaganda weapon: its broad social program of aiding the workers and peasants in a victorious struggle against the upper classes and large foreign enterprises has a strong appeal to the populations of Central American neighbors where similar conditions prevail.""
https://chomsky.info/unclesam01/Was das US-Imperium unter Hilfe versteht, kann man hier sehen:
"Krieg gegen die Dritte Welt 4/9 - School of Americas - Schule der Mörder 1/2"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ul9swj5zuIsJohn Stockwell: “In Nicaragua, under President Reagan, they are in
fact, giving the Contras written instructions in violence and
destabilization. The target is the people, the social and economic
infrastructure is what you are hitting at. It is not a bloodbath.
It is like you are going in a village and you kill a few people to
make your point. The purpose is to disseminate terror, traumatize
the people. We’re not killing Sandinistas in the capital. We’re not
blowing up their homes and terrorizing them. We are hitting at the
people throughout the interior of the country.”
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uMbB5_4Ud9I"In 1996 the Pentagon was forced to release training manuals used at the school that advocated torture, extortion and execution. Among the SOA's nearly 60,000 graduates are notorious dictators Manuel Noriega and Omar Torrijos of Panama, Leopoldo Galtieri and Roberto Viola of Argentina, Juan Velasco Alvarado of Peru, Guillermo Rodriguez of Ecuador, and Hugo Banzer Suarez of Bolivia. Lower-level SOA graduates have participated in human rights abuses that include the assassination of Archbishop Oscar Romero and the El Mozote Massacre of 900 civilians."
https://web.archive.org/web/20080218063411/http://soaw.org/index.php"Inside The CIA: On Company Business"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZFcP5afwA7E&t=121m"7.- Women detainees are forced to have sexual intercourse with dogs."
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Das Posting wurde vom Benutzer editiert (09.09.2019 19:42).