> Unsere Gedanken und Gefühle sollten der Sicherheit von unseren
> eigenen
> Jungs dort unten gelten. Die Waffen haben den Zweck, möglichst
> viele
> Feinde unter möglichst wenigen eigenen Verlusten zu erledigen. Von
> daher kann man gar nicht genug von solchen effektiven
> Waffensystemen
> haben. Gut so, dass hier wieder neue ausprobiert werden!
> Wer hier kritisiert ist nah dran ein Landesverräter und
> Terroristenfreund zu sein. Es ist wohl so, Gleiches gesellt sich zu
> Gleichem!
Deutsche haben ja schon zweimal Praeventivkriege gefuehrt, beides Mal
uebrigens von terroristischen Uebergriffen ausgeloest. Da wir schon die
Erfahrung haben, ist es nur logisch, dass wir das mit einbringen in die
internationale Sicherheitsstruktur. Zumal Deutschland an sich ja daraus
gelernt hat. Ein Landesverraeter, wer nicht die Toetung der
barbarischen Hunnen in Absurdistan unterstuetzt. Sie sind das Uebel
dieser Welt, und muessen ein fuer allemal von diesem Planeten
ausgebuergert werden. Besiegen wir den Terror, reissen wir ihn aus, mit
Stumpf und Stiel!
"Vagrant Lackalls, I at last perceive, all this that has been
sung and spoken, for a long while, about enfranchisement,
emancipation, freedom, suffrage, civil and religious liberty over
the world, is little other than sad temporary jargon, brought
upon us by a stern necessity,--but now ordered by a sterner to
take itself away again a little. Sad temporary jargon, I say:
made up of sense and nonsense,--sense in small quantities, and
nonsense in very large;--and, if taken for the whole or permanent
truth of human things, it is no better than fatal infinite
nonsense eternally _untrue_. All men, I think, will soon have to
quit this, to consider this as a thing pretty well achieved; and
to look out towards another thing much more needing achievement
at the time that now is.
"All men will have to quit it, I believe. But to you, my
indigent friends, the time for quitting it has palpably arrived!
To talk of glorious self-government, of suffrages and hustings,
and the fight of freedom and such like, is a vain thing in your
case. By all human definitions and conceptions of the said fight
of freedom, you for your part have lost it, and can fight no
more. Glorious self-government is a glory not for you, not for
Hodge's emancipated horses, nor you. No; I say, No. You, for
your part, have tried it, and _failed_. Left to walk your own
road, the will-o'-wisps beguiled you, your short sight could not
descry the pitfalls; the deadly tumult and press has whirled you
hither and thither, regardless of your struggles and your
shrieks; and here at last you lie; fallen flat into the ditch,
drowning there and dying, unless the others that are still
standing please to pick you up. The others that still stand have
their own difficulties, I can tell you!--But you, by imperfect
energy and redundant appetite, by doing too little work and
drinking too much beer, you (I bid you observe) have proved that
you cannot do it! You lie there plainly in the ditch. And I am
to pick you up again, on these mad terms; help you ever again, as
with our best heart's-blood, to do what, once for all, the gods
have made impossible? To load the fatal _chain_ with your
perpetual staggerings and sprawlings; and ever again load it,
till we all lie sprawling? My indigent incompetent friends, I
will not! Know that, whoever may be 'sons of freedom,' you for
your part are not and cannot be such. Not 'free' you, I think,
whoever may be free. You palpably are fallen
captive,--_caitiff_, as they once named it:--you do, silently but
eloquently, demand, in the name of mercy itself, that some
genuine command be taken of you.'
Thomas Carlyle (of Carlyle's Group?)