Saul Goodmen schrieb am 06.09.2023 09:40:
ADie schrieb am 06.09.2023 09:33:
indem die russischen Truppen sich einfach von ukrainischem Territorium zurückziehen.
und die Ukrainer aufhören Zivilisten im Donezk mit Streubomben zu beschießen
von Human Rights Watch
Hier einpaar kleine Auszüge aus dem Report deines Links, bei dem bereits innerhalb der ersten 14 Seiten Russland um einiges Schlechter dasteht, als die Ukraine.
Russia has used cluster munitions repeatedly in Ukraine since invading the country
on 24 February 2022, while Ukrainian forces have also used them
Ukraine has publicly asked to be supplied with cluster munitions since 2022. In July
2023, the US announced that it would transfer an unspecified quantity of stockpiled
cluster munitions to Ukraine.
Since Russia’s all-out invasion of Ukraine on 24 February 2022, Russian forces have used
cluster munitions extensively, causing civilian casualties, damaging civilian infrastructure,
and contaminating agricultural land. Ukrainian forces have also used cluster munitions in
the conflict, resulting in civilian deaths and injuries
used state: Russia
location used: Afghanistan (as USSR), Georgia, Syria, Ukraine, Chechnyaused state: Ukraine
location used: Ukraine