Daemon Zweiter Ordnung schrieb am 21.08.2023 10:57:
Alex Riemenschneider schrieb am 21.08.2023 10:36:
Den Eltern sollte von Russland natürlich auch die freie Rückkehr in die Ukraine ermöglicht werden:
Zeigen Sie mir bitte einen glaubhaften Bericht über die ukrainische Staatsbürger, die daran gehindert wurden aus Russland auszureisen. Es gibt allerdings jede Menge Berichte über Leute, die reisen dürfen. Die Ukraine hat doch selbst vor kurzem sogar 2 Übergangspunkte an der russischen Grenze zu diesem Zweck aufgemacht.
Der Bericht ist zwar nicht von offiziellen russischen Stellen, also für Dich nicht "glaubhaft", aber:
68. The Commission has reviewed situations in which Russian armed forces transferreddetainees within Ukraine or deported them to the Russian Federation.39 Victims were both men and women. In the Russian Federation, some of the detainees were confined in pre-trial facilities in Kursk and Bryansk regions. A large number of Ukrainians were detained there.
According to former detainees, Russian authorities had labelled some of the detained persons as prisoners of war. However, after a review of their circumstances, the Commission found that they retained their civilian status.
69. The investigations have identified several instances of transfers and deportations in March 2022. In two cases, the victims were first detained in a makeshift detention facility in Dymer village, then transferred to another such facility in the Hostomel aerodrome, both in Kyiv region, then deported through Belarus, alongside with other detainees, to a detention facility in Bryansk region, in the Russian Federation. In another case, a young woman was first detained in a makeshift detention facility in Novyi Bykiv village, in Chernihiv region, and then deported with other detainees to a detention facility in Kursk region, in the Russian Federation. There, the three victims were interrogated, accused of support to Ukrainian armed forces, and were subjected to torture. In two other cases, two men, and then one other man were first confined in a makeshift detention facility in Boromlia village, in Sumy region, and subsequently deported with other detainees to the Russian Federation, in a place not far from the border. There, Russian authorities held them in a basement together with other detainees from Ukraine and interrogated them.
70. The Commission has concluded that Russian authorities have committed unlawful transfers and deportations of civilians and of other protected persons within Ukraine or to the Russian Federation, respectively. This is a war crime.
(Nur ein Beispiel von vielen).
Also um wie viele Kinder geht es hier ohchr.org? In Report findet sich die folgende Sequenz:
"A data collection system maintained by the Government of Ukraine
indicated that 16,221 children had been deported to the Russian Federation as of the end of
February 2023.54 The Commission has not been able to verify these figures."Es sind also keine 700.000 Kinder sondern 16.221 Kinder, die nach nicht verifizierbaren ukrainischen Angaben betroffen sind (also etwa 2% von den postulierten 700.000).
Dazu muss man auch noch anmerken, dass die Kindesrückführungen in der Vergangenheit durchaus gab.
Dann ist ja alles gut, wenn die Geiseln inzwischen freigelassen wurden. Dann hat ja gar kein Verbrechen stattgefunden...