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  • KarlderEinfaeltige

856 Beiträge seit 01.12.2020

Re: Relativ leicht erkennbar und jedem offensichtlich

an7oine schrieb am 25.06.2024 22:52:

und weil es sich so vor einem Angriff der NATO fürchtet, zieht Russland die Truppen an der finnischen Grenze ab um damit die Ukraine terrorisieren zu können.

Das passt nicht wirklich...

Das war auch von 2000 bis 2010 während Putins Amtszeit der Fall.

Kimberly Marten: NATO Enlargement: Evaluating Its Consequences in Russia. In: James Goldgeier, Joshua R. Itzkowitz Shifrinson (Hrsg.): Evaluating NATO Enlargement. From Cold War Victory to the Russia-Ukraine War. Palgrave Macmillan, 2023, ISBN 978-3-03123364-7, S. 220,
"Russian military planners knew that NATO enlargement did not create a threat to Russian security. Annual military data that Russia provided to members of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe through the Vienna Document process shows that the numbers of troops and weaponry (including battle tanks, armored personnel carriers, and artillery) deployed in Russia’s Western and Southern Military Districts (those along NATO’s new borders) fell steeply from 2000 to 2010— years that Putin was in office, and during which NATO enlargement both began and peaked. These numbers continued to decline (with the exception of new A2/AD air defense deployments in Kaliningrad in 2012) until Russia’s intervention in Ukraine caused a sharp rise in 2014. This is exactly the opposite behavior from what would be expected if Russia saw NATO enlargement as militarily threatening."

Das Posting wurde vom Benutzer editiert (25.06.2024 23:01).

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