Namittach schrieb am 28.01.2023 09:12:
Leider ist die
Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung
politisch nicht unabhängig, sondern neigt zu einer sehr regierungskonformen Sicht der Dinge, was sicher auch durch die Besetzung mit Personal aus dem links-grünen Bildungsbürgertum (Lehrerinnen und Professorinnen) einseitig verstärkt wird. Siehe auch „Die Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung im Dienst einseitiger Propaganda“.
Putzig. Hier kannst Du die Originalquelle lesen (auch auf Russisch, wenn das für Dich einfacher ist):
Aus dem Bericht der Vereinten Nationen:
220. The human rights situation in Crimea has significantly deteriorated since the beginning of its occupation by the Russian Federation. The imposition of a new citizenship and legal framework and the resulting administration of justice have significantly limited the enjoyment of human rights for the residents of Crimea. The Russian Federation has extended its laws to Crimea in violation of international humanitarian law. In many cases, they have been applied arbitrarily.
221. Russian Federation authorities in Crimea have supported groups and individuals loyal to the Russian Federation, including among national and religious minorities, while preventing any criticism or dissent and outlawing organized opposition, such as the Mejlis. The space for civil society to operate, criticize or advocate has considerably shrunk. Media outlets have been shut down, disproportionately affecting the Crimean Tatar and Ukrainian communities, their right to information and to maintain their culture and identity.
222. Grave human rights violations affecting the right to life, liberty and security have not been effectively investigated. The judiciary has failed to uphold the rule of law and exercise proper administration of justice. There is an urgent need for accountability for human rights violations and abuses and providing the victims with redress.