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Re: Autor möchte das Selbstverteidigungsrecht der Ukrainer einschränken

KarlderEinfaeltige schrieb am 28.05.2024 20:34:

DasWoelfchen schrieb am 28.05.2024 18:44:

PippiLangstrumpf schrieb am 27.05.2024 22:44:

Dass es dort Proteste gab, wird niemand bestreiten. Gekämpft haben aber russische Truppen.

Da berichtet Igor Girkin, der übrigens am 9./10. April 2014, als die ukrainische Armee zur ATO ausrückte, noch gar nicht im Donbas war und der von einigen NATO-affinen Forenten hier gerne als Kronzeuge für russische Truppen in der Ostukraine angeführt wird, aber etwas anderes.

Hatten wir jetzt schon ein paar mal, aber die ATO hat erst nach dem Auftauchen von Girkins munterem Trupp begonnen.

Jakob Hauter: Russia’s Overlooked Invasion. The Causes of the 2014 Outbreak of War in Ukraine’s Donbas. Ibidem, 2023, ISBN 978-3-8382-1803-8, S. 55:
"On April 12, armed men in camouflage seized police stations in the towns of Sloviansk and Kramatorsk in the northwest of Donetsk Oblast. The following morning, a group of these men attacked SBU operatives just outside Sloviansk. One person died and several were injured. On the same day, Ukraine’s Acting President Turchynov announced the launch of an “antiterrorist operation” with the involvement of the Ukrainian Armed Forces."

Paul D’Anieri: Ukraine and Russia. From Civilized Divorce to Uncivil War. Cambridge University Press, 2023, ISBN 978-1-00-931554-8, S. 225–226:
"In contrast, on April 12, gunmen seized government buildings around Donetsk, in a series of coordinated attacks. The police chief in Donetsk Oblast, Kostyantyn Pozhydayev, resigned at the demand of protesters. On April 13, the Ukrainian government declared an “Anti-Terrorist Operation” (ATO) in the east."

Dominique Arel, Jesse Driscoll: Ukraine’s Unnamed War. Before the Russian Invasion of 2022. Cambridge University Press, 2023, ISBN 978-1-00-905292-4, S. 147:
"On April 13, on the same day that the ATO was set in motion, Minister of Internal Affairs Arsen Avakov announced the formation of “special units of civilians” (spetspidrozdiliv z tsivil’nykh) for “the fight against terrorists”."

Anna Arutunyan: Hybrid Warriors. Proxies, Freelancers and Moscow’s Struggle for Ukraine. Hurst & Company, 2022, ISBN 978-1-78738-795-9, S. 126, 138:
"If local militias believed Strelkov to be the manifestation of the “little green men” they were hoping for, then it was understandable that the new and as yet hardly functional Ukrainian government also assumed them to be the Russian Spetsnaz that they feared. If Kyiv at first looked on without a clear sense of what to do as local activists seized buildings in Donetsk, Luhansk and Kharkiv, Girkin’s arrival was interpreted as a Russian invasion and triggered what became called the Anti-Terrorist Operation.
Yet on 15 April, interim President Turchynov launched what he called an “Anti-Terrorist Operation,” one that would rely predominantly on nationalist volunteer battalions."

Maria Popova, Oxana Shevel: Russia and Ukraine. Entangled Histories, Diverging States. Polity Press, 2024, ISBN 978-1-5095-5737-0, S. 166:
"In response to the Sloviansk capture, on April 13, the Ukrainian government declared an Anti-Terrorist Operation (ATO) in the eastern parts of the country and moved in to re-establish order by military means."

Gerard Toal: Near Abroad. Putin, the West and the Contest over Ukraine and the Caucasus. Oxford University Press, 2017, ISBN 978-0-19-025330-1, S. 260;
"On April 13, Kyiv launched an Anti-Terrorist Operation (ATO) that sought to surround the rebels and drive them out. Implementation of the ATO was in the hands of a poorly equipped Ukrainian army and fractious auxiliary militias, neither trained in counterinsurgency methods."

Richard Sakwa: Frontline Ukraine. Crisis in the Borderlands. I.B. Tauris, 2015, ISBN 978-1-78453-527-8, S. 273:
"The launching of the ‘anti-terrorist operation’ on 15 April 2014..."

Nicolai N. Petro: The Tragedy of Ukraine. De Gruyter, 2023, ISBN 978-3-11-074324-1, S. 210:
"Instead, however, on April 14, Acting-President Turchynov announced the beginning of an Anti-Terrorist Operation (ATO)."

Nur mal zum Vergleich:

On April 8 2014, the Ukrainian government launched an offensive, dubbed the Anti-Terrorist Operation (ATO), to quell militant protests in three eastern provincial capitals: cities of Donetsk, Lugansk and Kharkov. I will refer to this phase of the offensive as ‘Initial ATO’. Following the quelling of protests in Kharkov and the escalation of the situation in Donetsk Province to the level of armed insurgency, on 13 April 2014, the Ukrainian government modified and expanded the scope of the Initial ATO to exclude Kharkov and to include more locales in Donetsk Province and to recalibrate the commitment of force to the ATO in that province, with a view to its rapid escalation. I will refer to this phase of the offensive as ‘Modified and Expanded ATO’. The Armed Forces of Ukraine (hereinafter the military), both personnel and equipment have been deployed from the onset of Initial ATO, experiencing a steep ramp-up in the Modified and Expanded ATO.
The protests against the unelected pro-EU government graduated to armed militancy on 5 April 2014 when the SBU seized 300 assault rifles, an antitank grenade launcher, fire-bombs and ammunition in the town of Stakhanov, Lugansk Province from a militant group soon to become known as ‘Army of the Southeast’. When a mob freed the arrested members of the Army of the Southeast and seized the building of the SBU Lugansk headquarters, in which the captured weapons were held, a controversy as to whether the Army ofthe Southeast was also in possession of explosives and whether it mined the SBU building with them as an anti-breach measure arose.
While not being permitted to do so by law, the Ukrainian government might appear to have engaged in the use of military in the ATO in Donetsk and Donetsk Province from 6 April to 9 April 2014 by deploying a Kirovograd-based military unit A-0680 of 3rd Separate Regiment of Special Forces of the Ministry of Defense, a unit of the Dnepropetrovsk-based 25th Separate Airborne Brigade, jet fighters, and heavy artillery pieces.

Oder hier im Guardian am 10. April 2014:

A Donetsk news publication tweeted a photo on Thursday of a long line of transport trucks and artillery it said was a Ukrainian military deployment on the outskirts of the city. Television news reports later said locals armed with clubs had blocked an artillery brigade moving toward Donetsk and forced it to turn around.

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