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Re: In Kurzform: Der Autor sieht Putins ..

PippiLangstrumpf schrieb am 27.05.2024 14:49:

Summerbreeze- schrieb am 27.05.2024 14:46:

Die einzigen, die bisher Atomwaffen eingesetzt haben, waren die Indianermörder
So viel dazu, Russland wolle alle aus Lust und Laune mal eben atomisieren

In einem Krieg, in dem die USA angegriffen wurden. Als Angreifer ist Russland das erste Land, das mit dem Einsatz droht.

Nixon hat betrunken einen Nuklearen Angriff auf Nordkorea befohlen, aber ok, das kann man wohl nicht als Drohung bezeichnen, allerdings hat er nachher noch öfters damit gedroht:,3605,362958,00.html

"If the president had his way," Kissinger growled to aides more than once, "there would be a nuclear war each week!" This may not have been an idle jest.

The CIA's top Vietnam specialist, George Carver, reportedly said that in 1969, when the North Koreans shot down a US spy plane, "Nixon became incensed and ordered a tactical nuclear strike... The Joint Chiefs were alerted and asked to recommend targets, but Kissinger got on the phone to them. They agreed not to do anything until Nixon sobered up in the morning."

The allegation of flirting with nuclear weaponry is not an isolated one. Nixon had been open to the use of tactical nuclear weapons in Vietnam as early as 1954 and as president-elect in 1968 had talked of striking "a blow that would both end the war and win it". A Kissinger aide who moved over to the White House, David Young, told a colleague "of the time he was on the phone [listening] when Nixon and Kissinger were talking. Nixon was drunk, and he said, 'Henry, we've got to nuke them.' "

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