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  • Stoneburner

mehr als 1000 Beiträge seit 22.02.2011

Re: In Kurzform: Der Autor sieht Putins ..

PippiLangstrumpf schrieb am 27.05.2024 14:49:

Summerbreeze- schrieb am 27.05.2024 14:46:

Die einzigen, die bisher Atomwaffen eingesetzt haben, waren die Indianermörder
So viel dazu, Russland wolle alle aus Lust und Laune mal eben atomisieren

In einem Krieg, in dem die USA angegriffen wurden. Als Angreifer ist Russland das erste Land, das mit dem Einsatz droht.

On October 25, at U.S.-sponsored talks with Japan and South Korea, Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman announced that the U.S. commitment to defending Japan and South Korea is “ironclad.” She then explained what that meant, stating that “we will use the full range of U.S. defense capabilities to defend our allies, including nuclear, conventional and missile defense capabilities.”

In his 2017 UN address, Trump insisted that "the United States has great strength and patience, but if it is forced to defend itself or its allies, we will have no choice but to totally destroy North Korea." A month earlier, Trump threatened that if North Korea made “any more threats to the United States. . . . they will be met with fire and fury like the world has never seen.”

Jacques Chirac, France’s president, has threatened to use nuclear weapons against any state that supported terrorism against his country or considered using weapons of mass destruction.

MARGARET Thatcher forced Francois Mitterrand to give her the codes to disable Argentina's French-made missiles during the Falklands war by threatening to launch a nuclear warhead against Buenos Aires, according to a book.

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