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8 Beiträge seit 24.07.2017

Re: Varoufakis ist Berater und enger Freund von Macron

Vardarovic schrieb am 24.07.2017 13:48:

Libertarist schrieb am 24.07.2017 13:13:

Varoufakis ist Berater und enger Freund von Macron

Gibt es dafür auch Belege? Wurde mich ernsthaft interessieren.

In einem relativen jungen Artikel über Prof. Varoufakis stellte dieser fest, dass er seinen Freund Macron unterstützen werde, weil Macron selber einst sich sehr um Hellas bemühte, und selbst hintergangen wurde.

In diesem Zusammenhang erwähnte Prof. Varoufakis (wenn ich nicht irre), dass der vom schicksal schwer getroffene deutsche Finanzminister ihm, Prof. Varoufakis, gegenüber andeutete, dass er, Schäuble, die TROJKA gerne auch IN PARIS sähe, NICHT NUR IN ATHEN.

My disagreements with Macron are legion; but our points of agreement are also important. We agree that the eurozone is unsustainable, but disagree about what should be done before the EU can put political union on the table. We agree that the single-minded pursuit of competitiveness is turning Europe into a zero-sum, beggar-thy-neighbor game, but disagree about how to bring about the large-scale investment needed to support productivity improvements.

We agree that precarious, gig-economy labor is gangrene for social welfare, but we (strongly) disagree about how to extend protection to casual workers without casualizing protected workers. We agree on the need to forge a proper European banking union, but disagree on the need to put the financial genie back in its bottle. Above all, I lack evidence to convince my comrades at DiEM25, the Democracy in Europe Movement, to trust Macron’s capacity and willingness to clash with an establishment that is pursuing the failed policies that have fed support for Le Pen.

Despite these caveats, I support Macron. Just as he texted me that he did not want his generation to be responsible for strangling Greece, I, too, refuse to be part of a generation of leftists responsible for allowing a fascist and racist to win the French presidency. Naturally, if Macron wins and becomes merely another functionary of Europe’s deep establishment, my comrades and I will oppose him no less energetically than we are – or should be – opposing Le Pen now.

Du hast vollkommen recht, Varoufakis scheint Macron blind zu unterstützen. Danke, dass du uns eine differenzierte Analyse ersparst..

Relieved that Macron won, and proud of our clear support for him, we must now fulfill the second part of the promise. No “honeymoon” period: we must oppose Macron immediately. Here’s why.

Macron’s electoral program made clear his intent to continue with the labor-market policies that he began to introduce as former President François Hollande’s economy minister. Having spoken to him about these policies, I have no doubt that he believes in them strongly. He follows a long tradition of blaming the legal constraints on firing workers for the fall in permanent employment and the emergence of a new division between protected and precarious employees – between insiders, with well-paid, quasi-tenured positions, and outsiders, who work as service providers without benefits and often under zero-hour contracts. Trade unions and the left, according to this view, are actually a conservative force, because they defend insiders’ interests while ignoring the plight of the burgeoning army of outsiders.

Widerlich, dieser Varoufakis..

Das Posting wurde vom Benutzer editiert (24.07.2017 15:11).

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