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  • Haroun

249 Beiträge seit 19.08.2020

Re: "Lavender" und "Where's Daddy?"

der.knut schrieb am 18.05.2024 23:21:

Kazuko schrieb am 18.05.2024 10:45:

... Ganze Familien wurden in Gaza ausgelöscht, 70 Prozent der Toten sind Frauen und Kinder -

Wie war die Quote am 7. Oktober 2023?

1139 Ermordete davon
695 Zivlisten bzw. 61% und
36 Kinder bzw. 3%!!7797

35 000, aber
24686 unabhängig bestätigt, davon
4959 Frauen bzw. 20% und
7797 Kinder bzw. 31% !!!!!

Die IDF tötet nicht schon seit dem Gaza-Krieg und seit dem Hamas-Angriff unschuldige Kinder.
Der friedliche Protest von 2018 wurde gewaltsam zerschlagen, bei dem mehrere Kinder gezielt getötet wurden wie dieser Bericht offenbart:

183 tote Zivilisten davon 35 Kinder!! Nur ein Auszug:

Schoolgirl (13), Marwan Qudieh (45) and two wounded
Israeli forces injured a schoolgirl with bullet fragmentation.

As she lay on the ground, four men attempted to evacuate her. The forces shot three of them

, killing Marwan Qudieh (45) from Khuzaa village and injuring a potato seller and another man in the legs. One of the rescuers had to have a leg amputated.

--> Diese "Strategie" wurde auch im Fall Hind Rajab angewendet.


Ibrahim Abu Shaar (17)
On 30 March, Israeli forces shot Ibrahim, a candy seller from Rafah, in the back of the head as he walked away

Mohammad Ayoub (14)
On 20 April, Israeli forces shot Mohammad, from Jabaliya refugee camp, in the head while approximately 200 m from the separation fence. He died the same day.

Izzedine Samak (13)
On 14 May, Israeli forces shot Izzedine, from the Bureij refugee camp, in the abdomen after he and two friends slung stones at Israeli soldiers. They shot him as he sat resting with his back to the fence 150 m from the separati-on fence. He died later that day.

Wisal Sheikh-Khalil (14)
On 14 May, Israeli forces shot Wisal from the Maghazi refugee camp in the head when she was approximately 100 m from the separation fence, after she had approached it several times to hang a Palestinian flag there. She died instantly.

Haytham Jamal (14)
On 8 June, Israeli forces killed Haytham, from Rafah, with a single gunshot to the abdomen as he stood in a crowd watching Israeli forces fire tear gas at demonstrators.

Yasser Abu Naja (11)
On 29 June, Israeli forces killed Yasser from Khan Younis with a shot to the head as he was hiding with two friends behind a bin, approximately 200 m from the separation fence. The children had been chanting national slogans at Israeli forces.

Othman Hilles (14)
On 13 July, Israeli forces killed Othman, from Shuja’iya, with a shot to the chest as he attempted to climb the separation fence at the Malaka site. Othman had nothing in his hands. He died that day.

Nasser Mosabeh (11)
Nasser was from Khan Younis. On 28 September, Israeli forces shot him in the back of the head as he stood 250 m from the separation fence. He died the same day.

Fares Sirsawi (13)
Fares was from Gaza City. On 5 October, Israeli forces shot him in the chest when he was approximately 10 m from the separation fence. Fares had been among a group of youths dragging tyres to the fence. He died that day.

Wer diese Greueltaten nicht offen anprangert, unterscheidet sich in keinsterweise von den Hamas-Unterstützern und deren Weigerung die Ereignisse vom 07.10. als Terror zu verdammen!

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