"Der Leiter eines Gutachtens der US-Armee für abgereichertes Uran im Golfkrieg 1991 sagte zehn Jahre später, dass der fortgesetzte Einsatz solcher Waffen ein "Kriegsverbrechen" sei, das sofort beendet werden müsse."
Wer ist dieser "Leiter"?
"Doug Rokke is a crank and conspiracy theorist obsessed with depleted uranium conspiracy theories. (...) Rokke frequently appears along side fringe elements of the anti-nuclear movement, including Alex Jones and 9/11 conspiracy theorists."
Darauf folgt eine Liste seiner widerlegten Aussagen, unten gibt es Links zu ausführlicheren Quellen. Ein typisches Beispiel:
"The most common claim, attributed to Doug Rokke, is that 30 members of his “100 member team” have died, with the implication being that the death was from depleted uranium.
We can offer some accurate information to correct the record. Rokke is a private citizen and does not represent the Department of Defense. Following the ground war, Rokke was attached for duty to assist technical experts in the recovery and decontamination of radioactive material and equipment. The team of approximately 10 people was led, not by Rokke, but by a civilian from the Army Munitions and Chemical Command (AMCCOM). Rokke’s primary role was to facilitate the recovery operations by ensuring the team had the proper support. Over the past years, Doug Rokke has reported varying numbers of ill or dead members of “his team.” These claims have been researched and are unsubstantiated.
In 1998, our office compiled a list of 29 names of people Rokke reported to be on “his team.” Staff members were able to interview 22 of them. Approximately 15 of the 29 people Doug Rokke had identified as being on “his team” actually worked on DU-contaminated vehicles. Two of the 29 had died, however, in interviews with the others, neither of these two veterans was named as having worked with depleted uranium. While we respect Rokke’s right to express his opinions, the fact that he presents himself as an expert, does not make it so.""
Auf solche "Experten" stützen TP-Autoren ihre Aussagen? Die "Recherche" im Internet hat mich zehn Minuten gekostet, höchstens.