Es ist bezeichnend, dass das Weiße Haus die Gefahr herunterspielt und sich lediglich auf die Radioaktivität beruft, die angeblich keine Gefahr darstellt. Dass hier mehrere spezifische Faktoren zum Tragen kommen, welche darüber entscheiden wann und wie es gefährlich wird - das erwähnt man lieber nicht. Man will sich offenbar darauf berufen können, dass die erste Aussage nicht falsch ist. Aber sie stellt auch nicht die volle Wahrheit dar.
U.S. Army Public Health Center
Health Physics Program
5158 Blackhawk Road
Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland 21010-5403
410-436-3502 or DSN 584-3502
The clearest sign of exposure to DU is the presence of DU in the urine and feces,
particularly the urine. The major health concerns about internalized DU relate to its
chemical properties as a heavy metal rather than to its radioactivity, which is very
low. As with all heavy metals, the hazard depends mainly upon the chemical form,
the amount taken into the body and the solubility of the DU particles within the body
fluids. It has been recognized that very high uranium intakes can cause kidney
damage. Chronic exposure by inhalation represents potential radiological hazard to
the lung. Uranium miners have an increased risk of lung cancer after long term
exposures to natural uranium and its radioactive progeny (including radon);
however, this increase in lung cancer risk is attributed to radon and not to the
radioactivity of uranium. DU is less radioactive than natural uranium. There are no
acute health effects for Level I and II expected; however, in rare instances Level I
exposures could cause acute effects to the kidney.