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  • teutolith

mehr als 1000 Beiträge seit 25.03.2014

Wie kampffähig ist die Ukraine noch?

Kampffähig genug. Einschätzung des ISW:

"Ukrainian armored vehicles are operating beyond the final line of the Russian defensive layer that Ukrainian forces in western Zaporizhia Oblast are currently penetrating, although ISW is not yet prepared to assess that Ukrainian forces have broken fully through this Russian defensive layer. Geolocated footage posted on September 21 indicates that Ukrainian armored vehicles advanced south of the Russian anti-tank ditches and dragon’s teeth obstacles that are part of a tri-layered defense and engaged in limited combat immediately west of Verbove (18km southeast of Orikhiv). It is unclear if Ukrainian forces retain these positions, however. This is the first observed instance of Ukrainian forces operating armored vehicles beyond the Russian tri-layer defense. The presence of Ukrainian armored vehicles beyond the final line of the current Russian defensive layer indicates that the Ukrainians have secured their breach of the first two lines of this layer sufficiently to operate vehicles through the breach. Ukrainian forces have likely suppressed Russian artillery and other anti-tank systems in the area enough to bring their vehicles forward. The Ukrainian ability to bring armored vehicles to and through the most formidable Russian defenses intended to stop them and to operate these vehicles near prepared Russian defensive positions are important signs of progress in the Ukrainian counteroffensive. Additional geolocated footage published on September 20 and 21 indicates that Ukrainian forces also advanced west and southwest of Verbove."

Ein Artikel bei TP mit einer suggestiven Überschrift, und schon wittern die Prorussen im Forum wieder Morgenluft. Klar ist es hart bis an die Grenze des Erträglichen für die Ukrainer, niemand hat je etwas anderes behauptet. Die kämpfen gegen einen (zumindest ehemals) weit überlegenen Gegner buchstäblich um ihr Überleben. Und das werden sie auch weiter tun.

EDIT: Ergänzung zur Kampffähigkeit:

Das Posting wurde vom Benutzer editiert (22.09.2023 08:01).

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