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Angelina Jolie sollte dringend informiert werden

interessant ist, wie gewisse jihadisten ihre hilfsbereitschaft kommentieren. das ist jetzt zwar ein zitat vom 7. september 2010 (also etliche jahre vor diesem gaza-krieg), aber jolie ist offenbar gut vernetzt mit dem jihad.

den link dazu werde ich logischerweise nicht posten, aber das zitat ist 1:1 copy&paste. ihr bild mit der burka kennt man ja oder kann es leicht finden.

Angelina Jolie was photographed looking exquisitely beautiful and the picture of modesty in a stunning Marc Jacobs burka in Pakistan.

Angelina was in Pakistan to meet with the leaders of Al-Qaeda and “to draw the world’s attention towards the plight of 21 million people affected by the country’s worst-ever floods.”

I applaud Angelina for taking the initiative and putting the spotlight on the suffering going on in Pakistan right now. These floods are a powerful lesson for the infidels and those who side with the Zionist crusaders against their Muslim brothers.

Angelina Jolie is helping to point out that those who anger Allah will incur serious punishment. The Pakistani people are feeling Allah’s wrath right now for helping the West persecute the freedom fighters in Afghanistan.

Angelina’s actions are a clear sign that she is ready to take up the call to Jihad against the Anglo-American empire. She has already amassed quite a force of children to carry out suicide bombings by adopting them for cheap on the black market. That isn’t just righteous Jihading but it is also just good business sense.

Muslim women take up Angelina Jolie’s example and adopt discarded children from the trash countries of the world. 9 months is too long to wait for you to birth Muslim soldiers, when filthy infidels infest our holy Muslim lands. Allahu Akbar!

"zionistische kreuzfahrer", na entzückend. hier noch ein jihad-zitat vom 19. september 2021:

It certainly is impressive that at 65-years-old Angelina Jolie is still finding new ways to whore herself to the hopelessly depraved infidel masses…

anmerkung: inzwischen ist sie logischerweise etwas älter geworden. hier der nächste jihad-kommentar:

And now that Angelina has dumped her loser husband Brad Pitt, she can get back to devoting all of her time and energy to her true passion of prostituting herself to make Shekels for the Zionist controlled entertainment industry.

kann mal bitte jemand angelina jolie informieren (zum beispiel über X), wie die jihadisten in wahrheit über sie denken?

Yes, Angelina has been an obedient and loyal subject of her Satanic Hebrew masters for many decades now, and so long as her crusty old saggy face can be stapled back into place she will continue to do whatever she can to sell demonic sexual deviancy.

also ich halte jede wette, dass sie ihre meinung überdenken wird, sobald sie davon erfährt...

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