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Weil die Russen ihn "im Sack" haben

Glücklicherweise sind nicht alle Republikaner von Russland erpresst/gekauft:

Auf die Frage des Reporters der Ria Novosti:

"We know that you don't support the current unlimited and uncontrolled supplies of weaponry and aid to Ukraine. So can you comment? Is it possible if in the near future the US policy regarding sending weaponry to Ukraine will change?"

antwortete McCarthy:

"No. I vote for aid for Ukraine. I support aid for Ukraine.
I do not support what your country has done to Ukraine.
I do not support your killing of the children either.
And I think for one standpoint, you should pull out.

And I don't think it's right.
And we will continue to support because the rest of the world sees it just as it is.


Das Posting wurde vom Benutzer editiert (13.05.2023 12:55).

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