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based und clearpilled

LieschenMüller schrieb am 07.06.2022 16:10:

Die Fronten werden immer klarer. Klar wird auch, warum die Spaltung der Gesellschaft nicht von recht oder links ausgeht, so wie man das immer framed, sondern dass die Spaltung ganz gezielt Teil der Politik ist.

based und clearpilled:

The four-stroke regime is a two-story state. When people hear one story, they tend to ask: is this true? When they hear two stories

(rechts und links)

, they tend to ask: which one of these is true? Isn’t this a neat trick? Maybe our whole world is built on it. Any point on which both poles concur is shared story: “uncontroversial, bipartisan consensus.”

Shared story has root privilege. It has no natural enemies and is automatically true. Injecting ideas into it is nontrivial and hence lucrative; this profession is called “PR.”

There is no reason to assume that either pole of the spectrum of conflict, or the middle, or the shared story, is any closer to reality than the single pole of the one-story state.

Dividing the narrative has not answered the old question: is any of this true? Rather, it has… dodged it. Stagecraft!

This is even better than supposing that, since we fought Hitler and Hitler was bad, we must be good. These very basic fallacies, or psychological exploits, are deeply embedded in our political operating systems. Like bugs in code, they are invisible until you look straight at them. Then they are obvious.

Das Posting wurde vom Benutzer editiert (09.06.2022 13:32).

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