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mehr als 1000 Beiträge seit 10.09.2002

Vortrag über Hightech-Verbrechen in Deutschland und NSA

Die NSA wurde vermutlich auf meine Ausführungen über Hightech-Verbrechen in Deutschland aufmerksam, die ich 2002 in Washington auf Einladung der Infowarcon in einem Workshop vortragen sollte (Programmheft liegt vor).
Mein Vortrag wurde deutscherseits verhindert.

Beschreibung des Workshops, an dem Dr. Munzert am 6. September 2002 seinen Vortrag halten sollte

W8: Electromagnetic Terrorism: Offense and Defense for the Info Warrior
Chet Uber, Senior Advisor, Security Posture; Ed Pevler, CEO, Texas Engineering Solutions; Dr. Reinhard Munzert, Scientist and Lecturer, University of Erlangen-Nuremburg, Germany

In this one-day workshop you will cover the basics of electromagnetic weaponry, including how these devices work, why they work, their potential vulnerabilities and the real risks associated with them. You will determine who can acquire and/or build these technologies, and look at home-brew weapons through DEW-level technologies. You will take a hard look at how EMF applies to modern warfare, terrorism and counter- terrorism, defensive and warning systems, and the future of information warfare as we know it. You will also investigate the use of directed energy weapons for military and terrorist activities. You will find out how they can make possible the „perfect crime,“ hear first hand actual crimes that were committed using these weapons, and examine ways to detect and protect against them. You will witness the detonation of a suitcase-sized, high-powered transient electromagnetic device and measure its effects at various distances throughout the demo area.

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