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mehr als 1000 Beiträge seit 06.11.2000


Die Bombardierung der AP-Büros erregt immer noch die Gemüter. Aktueller Stand scheint zu sein, dass Israel jemandem seine Beweise gezeigt hat – aber nicht Blinken – und der damit zufrieden war.

»On Sunday, an unnamed Israeli diplomatic source told The Jerusalem Post that “we showed [the Americans] the smoking gun proving Hamas worked out of that building. … I understand they found the explanation satisfactory.”

Asked about the alleged evidence during a news conference in Denmark Monday, Blinken said, “Shortly after the strike, we did request additional details regarding the justification for it.”

The secretary said he has "not seen any information provided” but he "will leave it to others to characterize if any information has been shared and our assessment of that information."«

Ich vermute in den USA ziehen sie jetzt Strohhalme, wer den Powell machen muss.

Die Ärzte ohne Grenzen beklagen sich, dass das Krankenhaus bei einem Luftangriff beschädigt wurde – scheint aber niemanden zu interessieren, wenn es nicht von einer renommierten Organisation wie den Weissen Helmen betrieben wird.

»On Sunday 16 May, Israeli air strikes in the area of the Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) clinic in Gaza city, Palestine, killed at least 42 people, including 10 children, according to the Gaza Ministry of Health. The bombing in the area also damaged our clinic, leaving a sterilisation room unusable and a waiting area damaged. No one was injured in our clinic, where we provide treatment for trauma and burns.

An MSF staff member who was present described a scene of utter horror as huge explosions shook the neighbourhood, and women and children ran out onto the street screaming and crying.[…]

“The clinic, where we see over 1,000 children a year with burns and trauma injuries, was missing a wall and debris was lying everywhere,” says Dr Abu Mughaiseeb. “The clinic is now closed not just because of the damage to its structure but also because the road to access it has been destroyed and because the area is still unsafe.”«

Bhadrakumar mit einer vorläufigen Analyse. Hamas gestärkt, Iran gestärkt, USA, Israel und die Normalisierer geschwächt – aber Hauptsache Netanjahu bleibt.

»Surely, Hamas will further boost its deterrent capability. In political terms too, Hamas has broken the glass ceiling. Its appeal is expanding among Palestinians in Jerusalem, West Bank and elsewhere within Israel. The moment is arriving where Hamas becomes the voice of all Palestinians, not simply the Palestinians in Gaza. The international community will have to gradually deal with the consequences of that eventuality.

For Israel, on the other hand, the current clashes highlight that there is no “peace” and no “new Middle East.” It would now be inconceivable that the Saudi leadership could contemplate normalising ties with Israel in the near term. Again, the Abraham Accords did nothing to resolve underlying conflicts in Yemen, Syria, Libya — or the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. The region “remains the same blood-soaked mess as ever”, as Washington Post columnist Max Boot put it.

It goes to the credit of Biden that he did not exacerbate the conflict, as Donald Trump might have done. But he has also exposed that the US is an ineffectual power and that its influence is rapidly waning. This will have consequences.

To be sure, Netanyahu is the winner. The escalation of violence with the Palestinians has stoked nationalist passions inside Israel, which virtually shuts the door on an opposition coalition replacing him. Netanyahu gains immunity from prosecution on corruption charges so long as he remains prime minister.«

Relativ wenig Beachtung fand hier die Entscheidung der österreichischen Regierung, die israelische Flagge zu hissen, als "Zeichen der Solidarität mit den Frauen, Kindern und Männern, die in Israel täglich in Luftschutzbunkern Schutz suchen müssen“.

Der schönste Satz war allerdings:
»Es sei "befremdlich", wenn Hofer versuche, die Solidarität Österreichs mit Israel und seiner Bevölkerung als Bruch der Neutralität zu deuten, so die Kanzleramtsministerin, die zudem die FPÖ aufforderte, nicht "durch plumpe Israel-Kritik Sympathiepunkte bei Corona-Leugnern, Identitären und Antisemiten zu sammeln".«

Waren die nicht eben noch in einer Koalition? ^^

Die iranische Delegation, die in Wien dieses Abkommen verhandelt, das Israel um jeden Preis verhindern will, saht das etwas anders. Zarif hat seinen geplanten Besuch abgesagt.

Der iranische Kommentar dazu:
»The cancellation raised serious doubts about Austria’s reputation as a fair host for international meetings. Austria used to boast about its ability to build relations with all countries and play host to important international events such as the Iran nuclear negotiations.

To be fair, Austria has been a capable partner in facilitating or at least playing host to some most important international events. But the continuation of this status hinges on Austria’s ability to avoid taking sides in international conflicts, especially those Austria has no real interest in embroiling itself in. […]

Israel has sought to use this war to encourage the Biden administration into halting talks with Iran based on claims that Iran had supplied Gaza with rockets. So, is the Austrian government, wittingly or unwittingly, playing into the hands of the Israeli regime’s plan to undercut the Vienna talks?

Regardless of the nuclear talks, Austria now risks being fallen into disrepute in the eyes of hundreds of millions across the globe for its support for an armed-to-the-teeth regime cold-bloodedly killing civilians and putting the lives of journalists in grave danger.«

Und dann noch ein halbstündiges Video der Ruptly-Tochter redfish (Russia state-affiliated media), wie der Vorwurf des Antisemitismus benutzt wird, um Kritik an Israel zu unterdrücken.

Hier im Forum wird wahrscheinlich die Aussage Resonanz auslösen, dass Deutschland die eigenen Schuldgefühle, auf die Palästinenser projiziert.

gruss. luky

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