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Re: Russische Waffen gegen Ukraine: Zwischen Eskalation und Psychokrieg

DasWoelfchen schrieb am 21.11.2024 11:57:

GrenSo schrieb am 21.11.2024 08:33:

Angefangen bei der Einsatz von Streumunition gegen ukrainische Wohngebiete,

Angefangen hat das bereits im Oktober 2014. So schreibt Human Rights Watch:

Das habe ich nie bestritten und damals haben sich beide Seiten diesbezüglich nicht großartig unterschieden. Denn wenn du bei deinem Link etwas weiter liest, dann kannst dort auch folgendes nachlesen, wenn deine subjektive Wahrnehmung es zulassen sollte:

While not conclusive, circumstances indicate that anti-government forces might also have been responsible for the use of cluster munitions, Human Rights Watch said.

Human Rights Watch also called on Russia to make an immediate commitment to not use cluster munitions and to accede to the cluster munitions treaty.


Rebel forces were also present around various government institutions in Donetsk, and all the cluster munition attacks in Donetsk took place within one kilometer of a government institution apparently in use by rebels. Rebel fighters on guard did not allow Human Rights Watch to enter the zone around the institution building. Human Rights Watch observed a vehicle with a twin-barreled anti-aircraft cannon mounted on the back in the zone around the institution but has no evidence as to whether rebel forces were ever firing from this location.

Rebel forces, as any party to a conflict, are required by the laws of war to take all feasible precautions to avoid deploying in densely populated areas.


On the morning on August 24, cluster munitions struck Starobesheve, a town about 35 kilometers southeast of Donetsk. At the time of the attack government forces appeared to be in control of most of the town.


The rocket tail section stuck in the ground in front of the local administration building shows that the rocket came from the southeast. With a maximum range of 70 kilometers and the Ukraine-Russia border 30 kilometers away, the cluster munitions could have been fired from Ukrainian territory southeast of Starobesheve, which was controlled by Ukrainian government forces at the time, or from Russian territory. The press center for the Ukrainian authorities’ counterterrorist operation claimed at the time that the cluster munitions had been fired from Russian territory. Human Rights Watch was not able to conclusively attribute responsibility for this attack.


At the time of the August 24 attack, government and rebel forces were battling for control of the town, which had been controlled by Ukrainian government forces up to that point. One local resident told Human Rights Watch that rebel forces started pushing out the government forces on August 26 and 27. The pro-Russian rebels announced on August 26, two days after the cluster munitions attack, that they had established control of the town.


A New York Times journalist showed Human Rights Watch a photo of the tail section of a Smerch rocket lodged in a shed on the northwestern edge of Ilovaisk. Local residents said that the rocket had struck in the period between August 25 and 29, when rebel forces were wresting control of the city from government forces. The angle of the tail section indicated that it came from the northeast.


In the village, Human Rights Watch found a cargo section from an Uragan cluster munition rocket and multiple submunition impact craters, as well as a stabilization fin from a submunition. The apparent angle of impact of both the Uragan rocket cargo section and two of the submunition impact craters indicate that the attack originated from the northwest.

Human Rights Watch documented remnants of at least six Smerch rockets that had landed in a field southeast of Novosvitlivka. Two unexploded 9N235 submunitions were nearby. The tail sections stuck in the ground showed that the rockets had come from the northwest, but Human Rights Watch was not able to determine who fired the rockets because both government and rebel forces were within the minimum and maximum range of the rockets.


Zudem ist, nach aktuellen Stand, die Anzahl der zivilen Todesopfer durch Streumunition, welche vom russischen Miltär verwendet wurde, in einem weit kürzerem Zeitraum höher, als durch Streumunition im damaliegen Bürgerkrieg wo augenscheinlich beide Seiten zu Streumunition griffen.

Der weltweit umfangreichste Einsatz von Streumunition ist aktuell in der Ukraine zu beobachten, wo Russland im Krieg gegen die Ukraine seit Februar 2022 wiederholt Streumunition eingesetzt hat. Streumunition stellt in vielen Regionen der Ukraine somit eine große Gefahr dar.

Zwischen Februar 2022 und Ende 2023 sind insgesamt 1.023 Menschen durch Streubomben und Blindgänger ums Leben gekommen oder verletzt worden. Die Dunkelziffer ist allerdings wahrscheinlich noch viel höher.

Russland setzt die Waffen massiv ein, und auch die Ukraine hat Streumunition schon mehrfach eingesetzt. Keines der Länder ist Mitglied des Oslo-Vertrags.


Das Posting wurde vom Benutzer editiert (21.11.2024 12:56).

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