Max-Headroom schrieb am 19.10.2021 13:54:
Nun ist die Open Society Foundation nicht unbekannt, wenn es um die Unterstützung von regime changes geht. Wer ist in diesem speziellen Beispiel der Gute und wer der Böse?
Aus Sicht einer Regierung sind natürlich die Organisationen unerwünscht, die sich in die inneren Angelegenheiten einmische, während die NGOs meistens die jeweilige Regierung zum Problem erklären.
Passend zum Thema ein aktueller Artikel von Patrick Armstrong, wie sich Staaten gegen eine Farbenrevolution verteidigen können:
»Former successes - in recent times, Ukraine twice, Georgia - are becoming failures: Hong Kong, Venezuela and Belarus. The targets have learned how to counter the attacks. The essential rules for defeating "colour revolutions" are:
1. They come from outside. So cut out the outsiders and get rid of the foreign "Non-Government" Organisations. This is probably the most important preventative: the "colour revolution" operators were quite unhindered in, for example, Ukraine.
2. Remember Alexander's advice: don't give up too soon. Maduro and Lukashenka are still there. To say nothing of Russia, China and Iran.
3. Don't be afraid that you'll be blamed: you will be anyway. The Western propaganda machine is not interested in facts.
4. Be tough. There's a rhythm to these things; if you interrupt them, it's hard for them to get back on track.
5. Be patient, as we saw in Hong Kong, the outrage is mostly artificial and will run out of steam.
6. Learn the techniques of how they're done, watch for them and counter them.
7. And finally: time is on your side. The West is not getting stronger. What the neocons call "the axis of revisionists" is.«
gruss. luky