> Ein gewagter Vergleich, ging es doch in Bosnien um die Unabhängigkeit der
> Bevölkerungsmehrheit von einer als Besatzung empfundenen Zentralmacht,
Das ist Unsinn. Dem vom US-Imperium unterstützen Islamisten-Führer
und Massenmörder Izetbegovic ging es darum, durch Genozid an der
christlichen Bevölkerungsmehrheit (es gab auch "abtrünnige" Moslems
wie den Wahlsieger Abdic, die keinen Talibanstaat wollten) einen
islamistischen Gottesstaat zu errichten. Darum zog Izetbegovic seine
Unterschrift unter dem damaligen Friedensplan wieder zurück - mit
Zustimmung der US-Kriegstreiber. 100000 Tote und die radioaktive
Verseuchung des Landes durch NATO-Uranmunition waren die Folge.
"He said he didn't like it," Mr. Zimmermann recalled. "I told him, if
he didn't like it, why sign it?"
Diese Islamisierung wurde selbst vom ersten Oberbefehlshaber der
Armee, Sefer Halilovic, kritisiert. Nach seinem erzwungenen Rücktritt
1993 sagte er über Izetbegovic: "Sein Konzept ist, einen ethnisch
reinen Staat mit einer Bevölkerung von zwei Millionen zu schaffen ...
Izetbegovic will im Prinzip einen feudalen muslimischen Staat."
in "Wie der Dschihad nach Europa kam: Gotteskrieger und Geheimdienste
auf dem Balkan" (Seite 60)
Izetbegovic in seinem Buch:
"... The first and foremost of such conclusions is surely the one on
the incompatibility of Islam and non-Islamic systems. There can be no
peace or coexistence between the "Islamic faith" and non- Islamic
societies and political institutions. ... Islam clearly excludes the
right and possibility of activity of any strange ideology on its own
turf. Therefore, there is no question of any laicistic principles,
and the state should be an expression and should support the moral
concepts of the religion. ..."
"... the Islamic movement should and must start taking over the
power as soon as it is morally and numerically strong enough to not
only overthrow the existing non-Islamic, but also to build up a new
Islamic authority. ..."
"The Hidden Army Of Islam in Europe"
"Wahabiten in Bosnien"
Die NATO-Lügenpropaganda von damals ist die gleiche wie heute.
US-Botschafter Peter Galbraith über die Unterstützung der
islamistischen Terroristen im Krieg gegen Jugoslawien:
"Exclusive: U.S. Policy on Bosnia Arms Trafficking"
"Up to 6000-strong, the Handzar division glories in a fascist
culture. They see themselves as the heirs of the SS Handzar division,
formed by Bosnian Muslims in 1943 to fight for the Nazis. Their
spiritual model was Mohammed Amin al-Husseini, the Grand Mufti of
Jerusalem who sided with Hitler."
"Final report of the Select Subcommittee to Investigate the United
States Role in Iranian Arms Transfers to Croatia and Bosnia ("the
Iranian Green Light Subcommittee"), with minority views : report
prepared for the Committee on International Relations, U.S. House of
Representatives (1997)
The former Secretary of State Lawrence Eagleburger, who had himself
worked in the Balkans for several years as a US diplomat, declared
the increase in radical Islamic support in Bosnia as a major blow to
the national security of the United States. He referred to it as "the
height of insanity. We are inviting Bosnian-Islamic connections with
a terrorist state that wishes us as much damage as they sic can
possibly inflict upon us." (22)"
Nasir Oric:
"We killed 114 Serbs there."
"Covic said that one woman that was raped several times and suffered
more than 200 knife cuts on her body, adding that members of the 505
brigade carved their emblem into her body."
> die
> schließlich mit einem eigenen Staat auch erreicht wurde
Bosnien ist heute eine NATO-Diktatur, also unter kolonialer
"UN Tyranny in Bosnia"
"The pseudo-democratic nation-building enterprise in Bosnia is
international social engineering run amok. ... This misguided
experiment should be terminated."
> http://web.archive.org/web/20041217225637/http://www.cato.org/dailys/03-12-99.html
"Reshaping the Economy.
The heart of Western policy in the region is the promotion of Western
corporate interests. In late 1996, a "peace implementation
conference" was held in London, during which much of
Bosnia-Herzegovina’s future was forged. According to a report by the
Press Association, the conference "won a commitment from the Bosnian
leaders to reconstruct the shattered economy along free market
economy lines, including significant privatization and close
cooperation with the World Bank." (28)
The Foreign Investment Law, effective on March 1998, and applicable
to both entities, "establishes the policy standards of promoting
foreign investment and protecting foreign investor’s rights," an
embassy document declares. "The Entities will amend existing foreign
investment laws to conform to the state-level legislation." Western
officials were thorough in ensuring their interests. The law "is
progressive in terms of its final aim which is to promote foreign
direct investment." It is stated that the law "protects the rights of
foreign investors….there are no restrictions on foreign investment"
except armaments and media, and "the entities are directed to
establish progressive and favorable tax conditions that encourage
foreign investment." Furthermore, the law "expressly forbids
expropriation or nationalization actions against foreign
investments." (32)
32. American Embassy, Sarajevo, "The Commercial Guide to Bosnia and
Herzegovina," June, 1998."
> heute große Stabilität im ehemaligen Jugoslawien
Angesichts des Pogromterrors albanischer Terroristen vorallem gegen
Serben und Roma (Juden wurden bereits 1999 restlos von NATO und UCK
vertrieben) kann von Stabilität keine Rede sein. Im Kosovo besteht
für Slawen und Roma nach wie vor Lebensgefahr. Viele endeten in der
Organverarbeitung der UCK und auch Albaner werden von der UCK-Mafia
ermordet. Merkel und Co. feiern dies als Erfolg.
Pogrom 2004:
"Nowhere else are there so many ‘ethnically pure’ towns and
villages scattered across such a small province. Nowhere is
there such a level of fear for so many minorities that they
will be harassed simply for who they are. And perhaps
nowhere else in Europe is at such a high risk of ethnic
cleansing occurring in the near future – or even a risk of
> http://web.archive.org/web/20060927104542/http://www.minorityrights.org/admin/Download/pdf/MRGKosovoReport.pdf
"Unter den Augen von zunächst über 40000 und heute etwa 16000
Soldaten der NATO-geführten Besatzungsarmee KFOR wurden in den
vergangenen knapp sieben Jahren über 200000 Serben und andere
Nicht-Albaner aus der Provinz vertrieben, etwa 2500 ermordet."
> Bevölkerungsmehrheit von einer als Besatzung empfundenen Zentralmacht,
Das ist Unsinn. Dem vom US-Imperium unterstützen Islamisten-Führer
und Massenmörder Izetbegovic ging es darum, durch Genozid an der
christlichen Bevölkerungsmehrheit (es gab auch "abtrünnige" Moslems
wie den Wahlsieger Abdic, die keinen Talibanstaat wollten) einen
islamistischen Gottesstaat zu errichten. Darum zog Izetbegovic seine
Unterschrift unter dem damaligen Friedensplan wieder zurück - mit
Zustimmung der US-Kriegstreiber. 100000 Tote und die radioaktive
Verseuchung des Landes durch NATO-Uranmunition waren die Folge.
"He said he didn't like it," Mr. Zimmermann recalled. "I told him, if
he didn't like it, why sign it?"
Diese Islamisierung wurde selbst vom ersten Oberbefehlshaber der
Armee, Sefer Halilovic, kritisiert. Nach seinem erzwungenen Rücktritt
1993 sagte er über Izetbegovic: "Sein Konzept ist, einen ethnisch
reinen Staat mit einer Bevölkerung von zwei Millionen zu schaffen ...
Izetbegovic will im Prinzip einen feudalen muslimischen Staat."
in "Wie der Dschihad nach Europa kam: Gotteskrieger und Geheimdienste
auf dem Balkan" (Seite 60)
Izetbegovic in seinem Buch:
"... The first and foremost of such conclusions is surely the one on
the incompatibility of Islam and non-Islamic systems. There can be no
peace or coexistence between the "Islamic faith" and non- Islamic
societies and political institutions. ... Islam clearly excludes the
right and possibility of activity of any strange ideology on its own
turf. Therefore, there is no question of any laicistic principles,
and the state should be an expression and should support the moral
concepts of the religion. ..."
"... the Islamic movement should and must start taking over the
power as soon as it is morally and numerically strong enough to not
only overthrow the existing non-Islamic, but also to build up a new
Islamic authority. ..."
"The Hidden Army Of Islam in Europe"
"Wahabiten in Bosnien"
Die NATO-Lügenpropaganda von damals ist die gleiche wie heute.
US-Botschafter Peter Galbraith über die Unterstützung der
islamistischen Terroristen im Krieg gegen Jugoslawien:
"Exclusive: U.S. Policy on Bosnia Arms Trafficking"
"Up to 6000-strong, the Handzar division glories in a fascist
culture. They see themselves as the heirs of the SS Handzar division,
formed by Bosnian Muslims in 1943 to fight for the Nazis. Their
spiritual model was Mohammed Amin al-Husseini, the Grand Mufti of
Jerusalem who sided with Hitler."
"Final report of the Select Subcommittee to Investigate the United
States Role in Iranian Arms Transfers to Croatia and Bosnia ("the
Iranian Green Light Subcommittee"), with minority views : report
prepared for the Committee on International Relations, U.S. House of
Representatives (1997)
The former Secretary of State Lawrence Eagleburger, who had himself
worked in the Balkans for several years as a US diplomat, declared
the increase in radical Islamic support in Bosnia as a major blow to
the national security of the United States. He referred to it as "the
height of insanity. We are inviting Bosnian-Islamic connections with
a terrorist state that wishes us as much damage as they sic can
possibly inflict upon us." (22)"
Nasir Oric:
"We killed 114 Serbs there."
"Covic said that one woman that was raped several times and suffered
more than 200 knife cuts on her body, adding that members of the 505
brigade carved their emblem into her body."
> die
> schließlich mit einem eigenen Staat auch erreicht wurde
Bosnien ist heute eine NATO-Diktatur, also unter kolonialer
"UN Tyranny in Bosnia"
"The pseudo-democratic nation-building enterprise in Bosnia is
international social engineering run amok. ... This misguided
experiment should be terminated."
> http://web.archive.org/web/20041217225637/http://www.cato.org/dailys/03-12-99.html
"Reshaping the Economy.
The heart of Western policy in the region is the promotion of Western
corporate interests. In late 1996, a "peace implementation
conference" was held in London, during which much of
Bosnia-Herzegovina’s future was forged. According to a report by the
Press Association, the conference "won a commitment from the Bosnian
leaders to reconstruct the shattered economy along free market
economy lines, including significant privatization and close
cooperation with the World Bank." (28)
The Foreign Investment Law, effective on March 1998, and applicable
to both entities, "establishes the policy standards of promoting
foreign investment and protecting foreign investor’s rights," an
embassy document declares. "The Entities will amend existing foreign
investment laws to conform to the state-level legislation." Western
officials were thorough in ensuring their interests. The law "is
progressive in terms of its final aim which is to promote foreign
direct investment." It is stated that the law "protects the rights of
foreign investors….there are no restrictions on foreign investment"
except armaments and media, and "the entities are directed to
establish progressive and favorable tax conditions that encourage
foreign investment." Furthermore, the law "expressly forbids
expropriation or nationalization actions against foreign
investments." (32)
32. American Embassy, Sarajevo, "The Commercial Guide to Bosnia and
Herzegovina," June, 1998."
> heute große Stabilität im ehemaligen Jugoslawien
Angesichts des Pogromterrors albanischer Terroristen vorallem gegen
Serben und Roma (Juden wurden bereits 1999 restlos von NATO und UCK
vertrieben) kann von Stabilität keine Rede sein. Im Kosovo besteht
für Slawen und Roma nach wie vor Lebensgefahr. Viele endeten in der
Organverarbeitung der UCK und auch Albaner werden von der UCK-Mafia
ermordet. Merkel und Co. feiern dies als Erfolg.
Pogrom 2004:
"Nowhere else are there so many ‘ethnically pure’ towns and
villages scattered across such a small province. Nowhere is
there such a level of fear for so many minorities that they
will be harassed simply for who they are. And perhaps
nowhere else in Europe is at such a high risk of ethnic
cleansing occurring in the near future – or even a risk of
> http://web.archive.org/web/20060927104542/http://www.minorityrights.org/admin/Download/pdf/MRGKosovoReport.pdf
"Unter den Augen von zunächst über 40000 und heute etwa 16000
Soldaten der NATO-geführten Besatzungsarmee KFOR wurden in den
vergangenen knapp sieben Jahren über 200000 Serben und andere
Nicht-Albaner aus der Provinz vertrieben, etwa 2500 ermordet."